Chapter 9 Hunt For Malanar

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Chapter 9

The forces of the coalition made sure to keep an eye out for any demons while Volondove recovered from his mental strain. His head was throbbing with pain as he could feel his pulse all through out his skull. His nose had stopped bleeding for now, but it would start back up again every couple of hours. His Sence of hearing was also temporarily heightened as he could hear everything that was going on in the rest of the academy below. He dare not leave his bed untill he regained his strength. He was barely even able to walk on his own with the sharp head pains.

As he lay in bed he thought about what he saw in his vision. He thought about the demon lord Malanar and what little he could see of him, or what little he could remember of him as the image has kind of faded from his memory as time passed.

He thought about the human with whom he saw the demon through. He thought about what has become of humanity and what is happening to what is left of it. He thought about how many humans were still alive and of the host of human refugees with the demon lord and what Malanar is doing with them.

While he was resting and meditating the elves took it upon themselves to fortify the academy. The entire host was becoming paranoid of a sudden demon attack. The amount of silence in the once great human stronghold made the coalition uneasy and jumpy.

They had one team up on the dome roof to serve as look outs. A couple dozen archers stood guard along the edge of the dome keeping an eye on the horizon and among the borders of the city. The rest of the elves were securing the main floor. Covering windows and boarding up any exits and entrances.

"How goes the defence commander?" Lamir asked an elf in full armor.

"Everything has been blocked up as you instructed." The elf leader answered.

"Everything a child could possibly fit through has been boarded up, and being watched constantly by our most alert warriors and scouts."

"Very good." Lamir said taking a seat on a stone bench. "Then all there is to do now is wait."

The elf commander sat down next to the wizard as they continued to chat.

It was a bit awkward at first as neither of the two knew what to say. But the commander eventually started up the conversation again.

"Lovely weather we're having isn't it?" He said suddenly.

"Perhaps to some." Lamir replied. Personally I never understood how one could appreciate these gloomy skies and dry earth. Though perhaps you elves think differently."

The elf commander didn't really care about the weather much, but it was a start for a conversation. There wasn't much else to do while they waited for Volondove to regain his strength.

"So do you really think he can do it?" The elf asked. "Do you really think he is the one that will save Lamenreal?"

"The war is still young. Nothing is for certain young elf." Lamir replied. "If you remember, not even the first Eam could stop them all. He fell at the battle of the Calnan Isles. But this boy has much potential. He has mastered levels of magic that would take others many years to achive. If anyone can end this horror show it is him."

"And if he doesn't?" The elf asked looking back at the wizard.

"Then may Neth have mercy on all of us." Lamir answered boldly.

"So I take the demons are going to come after him soon then." The elf said. "If he is the second Eam, he would be the demons greatest enemy no dought. I mean with how much trouble the first Eam caused them they would surely want to snuff him out soon right?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2022 ⏰

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