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A/n: Do yall like the frog pics?

Wilbur's pov

It's been a week since I got here. Well I'm not sure how much time has passed but that's how it felt. Like a week.

We were walking through the field, like always and we were getting to know each other. I found out that her mother died when she was very young and that she had 2 younger sisters and an older sister that she didn't really talk to a lot throughout her life.

Time skip brought to you by my laziness

".....and he said 'just killed a woman, feeling good' it was so funny!" I finished my story

She giggled and then we both stayed silent.

After a few moments of silence, I decided to ask her:

"So how did you die?"

She stayed silent for a moment before I quickly added:

"It's totally fine if you aren't comfortable telling me that."

"No, no, it's fine. I died fighting for mine and my sisters's lives, trying to win my liberty as a woman. Independence isn't something cheap."

"Yeah.. I know that" I replied. I remembered L'manburg and how much I've fought for it.

"Is there.. Is there a way to come back there? As a ghost, mabye?"

She thought for a second. "I think so... I've never tried to though.." she placed a finger on her chin.

My face lit up. I can go back there!

I stood up and smiled at her.

"Then what are we waiting for? Lead the way!"

She smiled and stood up and motioned me to follow her. I did as told and we walked until she stopped.

"We're here."

I looked in the direction she was pointing at and saw a part of the field where no grass or flowers or anything grew, there were only cracks in the ground.

"Well that's depressing" I said looking back at her

She laughed

"Well this is our... Portal, if that's what you want to call it" she said

I looked at her as she was crazy

"What? What do you mean this is it? Do we just yeet ourselves in the ground?"

"Well not exacly but something like that. Take a closer look at the cracks in the ground"

I stepped closer to a crack and looked through it. I could see Techno spawning two withers yelling something, but I couldn't hear what he said.

"What in the brown m&m's.." I mumbled to myself

"What is brown m&m's?"

"Don't worry about it. So how can we get there?"

"We dig this bit of ground I guess"

"With what?"

She put a finger on her chin looking around, probably trying to find something to dig with.

"This?" she picked up a shovel out of nowere

"Where did you get that from?" I asked

"It was here, lying on the ground" she smiled and handed it to me

She handed me the shovel and our fingers touched slightly. We both blushed slightly and I turned around and started to dig, trying to hide my face.

After a while, we dug a big enough hole for the both of us to fit in.

"What now?" I asked, I wiped sweat off my forehead.

"Now we jump." she said looking at me and grabbing my hand


Before I could finnish, she pulled me with her and we jumped.

A/n: Cliffhanger muahahahhaha
Also, sorry for the short chapters, that's just who I am

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