A/n yet again (ft froggies)

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since I haven't updated in like... 2 months? (holy crap) I'm gonna make it up to you and feed yall some frog pics because you seem to like them so much

 2 months? (holy crap) I'm gonna make it up to you and feed yall some frog pics because you seem to like them so much

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(I may or may not have stolen all those pictures from pinterest, you'll never know)

(I may or may not have stolen all those pictures from pinterest, you'll never know)

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^the reason why I belive in love

^the reason why I belive in love

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^love is an open door😩

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^love is an open door😩

^love is an open door😩

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he be dancin'

in case you were wondering, yes, I'm working on the next chapter, and yes I'm writing this in my english class.

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