28: Ceremonies

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A week had passed since I killed Desmond's mate and the pack had accepted me as the Luna. Due to this unforeseen event, the Luna and marking ceremony was rushed. Obviously it was rushed as they all accepted me and were eager to make me their Luna right away. Which is what I was in the middle of being prepared for.

Unlike humans the Alpha and Luna are allowed the stay in the same room the night before. Which was what you'd expect from my mate, one annoying night. Unlike me, he was the one worried about preparation. Which is normal because I have no idea about any of their pack or royal customs.

Rising with the dawn I stretch out my body and notice Max is already gone. He most likely is getting ready and is in a different room so he didn't disturb me. Running a shower I clean myself and prepare for the long day ahead of me. Was I dreading being up for so long, yes. Yes I was. Although it is a joyous day, it's a long one.

A gorgeous dress the color of ice was laid out for me. The bodice was fitted while the rest flowed like the ocean. It had a deep V neck but was covered in mesh with intricate lace designs. This nude color mesh went up to my neck and to my shoulders. Where it stopped for the sleeves to start. They were the same color as the dress and came to a point at the cuff. I put in simple diamond stud earrings as the rest of the accessories would be added later in the ceremonies.

I left my hair in it's natural curly state and my makeup was quite simple. I didn't want too much.

The ladies helping me get ready approved of such and left after their work was done. Now I had to wait. Breakfast and lunch were brought to me as I waited in our bedroom. I don't know what Maxwell was doing as I haven't heard from him all day. Surely he is busy with final preparations, I wish I could help but with me getting ready would really be cutting on time. It's quick and easy for a King to get in his traditional garb for a wedding or ceremony.

A knock at the door catches my attention as I glide towards it. Opening it, the handsome face of my mate is smiling down at me.

"You look breathtaking, my love," Max tells and kisses my forehead.

"You don't look so bad yourself. You clean up nice," I tease.

He huffs and crosses his arms like a child. "How dare you! I am the King."

I smirk and grab at his collar. "And I am to be your Queen."

"Damn right." He smirks, "are you ready?"

I nod. "Think so."

He offers me his arm in which I accept and he guides the way to the ceremony venue. I was nervous. I could hear my heartbeat in my ears and my stomach was in knots. My eyes avert to my mate's when his hand rests on top of mine and gives a reassuring squeeze.

Opening the car door he follows in behind me and gives the address to the chauffeur. I calmed down for a little while as we drove to the destination. Maxwell was occupied by his phone with responding to emails and texts.

"Are you nervous," he asks, still looking at his phone.

"A little," I confess.

"I can feel it. It's suffocating you, isn't it?"

I nod. "Yes. I am admit I am nervous."

He shakes his head. "Don't be. I'll guide you through it. Just keep your eyes on me the entire time."

"What exactly should I expect from this?"

Turning off his phone and tucking it in an inner pocket of his jacket, he cups my hand and traces circles on my palm.

"First we will make an appearance and walk together down the isle. My father, the previous King will be waiting for us. This isn't like a human wedding. Instead we are getting "married" at the reception area as well. Guests will already be seated at their tables."


He continues. "My father will conduct the ceremony. The first of the ceremonies will be the marking ceremony in which I'll be up there with you. This is similar to a human ceremony as we'll have vows and what not. At the end I'll mark you first then you'll mark me. It'll hurt, I can promise you that. Just breath in through your nose and out through your mouth."

"Then what?"

"I'll leave you, you'll be in front of my father where he'll conduct the Luna and Queen coronation. I won't be far as I'll be seated on my throne. After I'll retrieve you. You'll kneel before me as I place your crown on your head. You'll proceed to your throne next to mine and that'll be it."

"And that mating ceremony?"

"Will happen in private. A moon priest and priestess will be in our bed room when we return home tonight. My parents and yours will also be accompanying them as the bless our bed room and what not."

"Will they be in attendance for when we mate?"

He shakes his head. "No. Tomorrow we will emerge and just by your scent it will confirm we mated. A big celebration will take place as the mating process has completed and a new Luna and Queen has been confirmed. That is it."

"Sounds easier said then done."

We went pretty far away from the packs capital as it felt like we drove for hours until we reached the venue.

"We are here," he tells and assist me out of the vehicle.


Good morning everyone! I hope you enjoyed this update as I am trying to get them out quicker as I am feeling inspired to write. I've been dealing with writers block and some personal issues lately.

One in which I am not too thrilled with. Brownie was taken to the vet at the end of January in which an x-ray was supposedly done. They told us he hand no bladder stones. Two weeks later he passed two and we believe he has one more to pass as he is still peeing blood a little.

Besides that I am looking to get more updates maybe out this week since I surprising finished my work for this week earlier. I didn't mean to as I thought everything was due this Monday... it's due next Monday (Lol). I also go on break in two weeks. I look forward to putting out more updates.

Until then, please be safe and have a wonder week.

~Becca, The Queen of Beans.

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