12: The Queen

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I watch warily as the she-wolf walks back to her table. She kept looking up at us and then looking around. I kept catching her glances and death stares. I don't know what she was planning, but I could sense it wasn't good. My wolf was on high alert with her ears pointed up. I too was on high alert, I was watching her every breath. For I knew she too was on high alert.

"Calm down, little wolf," Maxwell soothes and rubs his thumb over the back of my palm.

"Who is she," I break through a growl.

"She is the only surviving child of his and the next to take his spot once he passes on. You see before the death alpha was tamed he killed and took over his pack. Hence, her being his only child left."

"I see." I tap my lips as I watch her carefully, "so why did she come after me?"

He shrugs. "In all honesty, I don't know. Maybe she saw you as a threat to her seat on the council?"

I cross my arms. "I would never take her seat. I am here to be by your side during hard decision making and be a powerful queen. To back you up and make you stronger."

He nods. "I am aware. I get what you are saying, but maybe she saw you as less than the queen? A poser? Not my true mate since I have yet to mark you? Or just a gold digger for money and power?"

My eyes widen. "Never!"

"I'm teasing you," he chuckles.

"I would have never known you were king if it wasn't for Desmond."

"Yeah, I know. I know. That is my next order of business. Once I take care of this and who will take his position, we will start his punishment process."

I just want Desmond gone. I am happy in my relationship and I don't need him to ruin it because of his jealousy. Because all of a sudden he just needs me back since he was rejected. Well, sucks to be him, now he knows the pain of rejection. Karma is a bitch.

"Who are we going to ask to take over his position?"

"Well, since u have stripped him of alpha tilts the beta will step up. So his beta will be made alpha and council member, if I can trust him. Maybe I'll just a new alpha to represent that region."

In all honesty, I don't trust Desmond's pack. They are all sneaky little weasels who use people. Desmond was the perfect alpha for this pack since he fit right in with using people for their power and money. So if I was to chose who the next representative is, I'd pick one from a different pack or get rid of that region in general. When I lived in his pack I couldn't trust anyone, not even my guards. I was paranoid that any passing pack member would kill me. If I really sit a think back to my life there, I never even trusted Desmond. Never in a million years would I trust that man with my life.

I hope he gets what he deserves. Not only did he try to turn me back to him and play his game, he also revealed the kings identity. Which at the time was a crime and he will be punished for it. In all honesty though, I am happy Maxwell has decided to stop hiding and announce he is the king. I think it is important for the kingdom to trust this will put a face to the man they allow to rule them.

My train of thought is broken when I see the council members swarm our table.

"When are you announcing Natalie," one asks.

"When is her coronation?"

"Any heirs soon," one squeals.

All the questions swirl in my head and makes my head hurt.

"To answer one question, no we are not announcing Natalie yet. Yes I have come forward and claimed I am king, but you will keep her secret like you kept mine. If I hear any of you reveal who she is, you will suffer the same fate as Desmond is," Max barks. "This is of course for her safety and so she isn't put into harms way before she is queen. Understood?"

"Understood, your majesty," they say in unison.

I'm not worried about them keeping secret. I am worried about the ones in the room.


Sorry this update is very short. I am in the middle of my college admissions essay. So bear with me for the next few weeks as I get the ball rolling for college.

I hope you all have a wonderful week!

~Becca, The Queen Of Beans

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