23: Meeting

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The following morning I called a meeting with my still loyal allies, my generals, beta, gamma, and council. Everyone was there except for Natalie. I had my mom take her out for a girls days and to do a little shopping for the ceremonies. I needed to do this without her so she wouldn't get worried or overly anxious. Desmond has truly hurt her and she is scared of what his pack is clearly capable of.

I need to distract Natalie and play things down for the time being until the ceremonies passed. I don't need her stressing about the war, I need her to focus on the ceremonies and making them the best as possible. Females dream about the day they have their ceremonies and I don't want them to ruined for her. Desmond seems to want to ruin her big day, he's jealous. I knew this would be a problem, but I won't let that bother me.

"We need to strategize so this war can be held off until the ceremonies come to an end," I tell.

"I agree," my general tells. "If you die in combat or the challenge she needs to be carrying your pup and heir. This would secure the throne so he can't take it from the royal family. It is against the law to challenge pregnant or nursing female."

My council members nod. I could see the fear in my soon to be father-in-law's eyes. I am grateful he is on my council. Natalie will need his support more than anything if something is to happen to me. My other council members don't respect her like they respect me yet. They'd just talk over her and in some cases, over throw her.

"I'll have some men ready for the challenge if you need their assistance," the head of the royal guard offers.

I wave it off. "I don't think that'll be necessary. That'd be cheating."

"But what if things get out of hand? Or he plays a trick?"

"Than yes, but they'll be on stand by no matter right. Am I wrong?"

"No, your majesty."

"Good, now we have to come up with a plan until the ceremonies conclude."

"We can send members of this council and some of your trusted people to negotiate," one member offers.

"That could work, but it doesn't buy me a lot of time to plan the ceremonies and actually have them. You know? There is only so long you can milk negotiations and they'll get tired and eventually stop agreeing to meet. I need something more time consuming."

"How about we just send some warriors to hold down the territory line so they can't advance any further? If it comes to that we'll have to negotiate or wait till the war is over for you to mate with Natalie."

I growl lowly. "Don't you get the point of Natalie and I mating before we go to war? It's to secure the throne if I die in battle! The rules state if I die but my mate is pregnant they cannot take that home away from her and leave them homeless."

There is a collective sigh.

"If I may suggest, if that plan does go into affect I can provide a home and protection for my daughter and pup," Nathan tells.

"I don't want it to come to that. Don't you understand? I want to mate and crown her queen before battle! I want just one day where we are fully mated and one before I go out there and risk my life. I want to be able to hold my pup in my arms and not have to worry about this! I just want to be fucking happy," I yell, my rage taking full control.

I just want this all to be over. I want Desmond to back down from this war and leave me be. I want them all to be submissive to me again. Why can't I be happy for once? I finally get my mate and now everything goes down the drain.

"We'll just have to do a combination of both, secure the boarder line and negotiate with his allies. That's it. That is all I'm offering until I can conclude the ceremonies. Okay?"

They all nod in what seemed to be an agreement. I could finally end the meeting until a frantic message rattled through the link of a boarder patrol member.

'Alpha, there is a until of warriors trying to break the boarder line,' he tells.

I growl. 'Where is Natalie? Has she returned home?'


'Fuck! Locate her and get her home and secured safely into the bunker.'

'Yes, sir!'


Sorry for this late update! I have lost track of time with college. It is going pretty good for the most part. I'm just having trouble getting back into a routine.

In other news, buddy goes to the vet on Wednesday the 21st to see if we can bring him home! The rescue said he may not need surgery since the cyst is going down and looking really good.

Also, one more thing. Please be safe, my mom was almost exposed to the virus since she works at a school, luckily the kid she was near didn't have it. That was a stressful night.

Have a wonderful week and please stay safe!

~Becca, The Queen Of Beans

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