5: Digging

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After Natalie was dropping off and I made sure she got in safe and wasn't harassed, I returned home. Thankfully once we got out of the restaurant parking lot we lost them on the highway, which shocked me as my car is a luxury vehicle. It isn't hard to miss, but thankfully it all worked out in our favor.

In situations like that it is never good to me driving as a crazy fan could try to run us off the road, but not to hurt me but to hurt Natalie. I have had problems like this in the past with crazy fans and getting a little too obsessed. Jealous over a guy who really didn't know who they were until the court hearings.

Besides crazy fans trying to get my attention enemies could have tried to do the same or media accidentally doing that. We just got lucky.

At home I secured my car in the garage and entered through the door the entered into the mud room. My parents already waiting eagerly to hear about my first date with my mate. I told them very little on my way to my office. Beta Ryder already waiting where I told him to be.

"How was your date, Alpha," Ryder asks.

"Wonderful," I tell.

"If I am correct this is the first female you didn't bring home after the first date," he teases.

I snarl a little, my canines pointing out. "Do not speak of my mate like that."

"I was only joking, sir, now what did you call me here for? It must be important as it is almost eleven at night."

"I need you to dig up some dirt on Natalie," I tell bluntly.

He frowns his brows. "You already don't trust her?"

I shake my head. "No, it is not that. I want to know about her a little more. I do not want to hurt her and bring up her said ex- picked mate Alpha."

"I see, so you want to know who it is, don't you?"

"Am I that easy to read?"

He nods with a smirk.

"Yes, I want you to find out who her old mate was and whatever else you can find out about her. I mean obviously you will come across her name right where you look her up, she was an Alpha's girlfriend. There will probably articles all about her."

"Yes, and what is her last name."

"Last name?"


"I mean it will make it easier to search her up on the internet with a last name. There must be a ton of Natalies' out there. It'll help narrow the search down."

"I have no clue."

He sighs. "I'll figure it out. If this was recent she'll probably be in the top searches."

Yeah, it will be all over the place when an Alpha breaks up with his girlfriend so if it was recent it'll surely still pop up in a search engine. Media outlets would be reporting constantly on this drama within a pack and involving an Alpha. I am shocked that I haven't heard of it or recognized her. Just my luck since I don't follow drama of other Alpha's or packs. I could care less who my fellow Alpha's are dating. The only time I involve myself is during a mating and marking ceremony since I am always invited.

"Thank you," I sing.

He rolls his eyes as he pushes himself up and out of the chair.

"Oh, and you can start this little assignment tomorrow. It is eleven o'clock at night."

"Gee, thanks," he says and leaves my office.

And this is why Ryder is my Beta. No matter how annoying I am, he just goes with it. He is a loyal and a trustworthy Beta and friend. I have known Ryder since he moved to the pack in fifth grade. He attended the same private school and the followed me to high school, college, and eventually we joined the same training program where he became my partner. The rest is history and as you can see we have a strong bond. He is like the younger brother I never had, since I am an only child.

He was literally a brother to me, that is how our friendship felt to me and it was refreshing. I always felt lonely, yeah me, the Alpha King felt lonely. After me my parents didn't have anymore kids since they got the heir they needed. When I have kids I will not be doing that as I know the pain and struggle of being alone. I was always left with the maids and nanny when my parents attended important and official business.

Not only am I looking into her, I am looking into her records, past to see if anything will stand out. Anything that could prevent her from becoming Luna, like a criminal past. I mean it may not prevent her from becoming Luna, but the pack will have to know so we don't have any skeletons in the closet that may come out as a scandal. That wouldn't look good with being Luna and being mated to an Alpha on the Royal Council. That is the last thing I need on my plate, a scandal.

It was only our first date so she won't trust me right away to tell me this little bits of information and I don't expect her to. I just want a game plan if she does anything hiding, so it can be addressed properly. Yet, I highly doubt it since she comes from a pretty well to do family and an Alpha's niece.

Also, I need to find out who this ex is. I need to know who I am dealing with so when it does surface I know who I am dealing with and up against. I don't want to make her uncomfortable, but I know to make sure this Alpha stays in line and doesn't try anything sneaky. There are a couple of Alpha's on the council who are quite sneaky.

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