36: Numb

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Due to not being able to keep my mind off of Max, I joined everyone in the living room where Octavius, Adrianna, their beta and his mate, and their gamma and his mate sitting around the TV.

"Oh! We didn't expect you to be joining us. Please take a seat," Adrianna says softly and scoots over.

I wanted to stay cooped up in the bedroom they gave me and try to get work done, but I could feel all of Max's emotions. It was distracting and nerve racking not to have that remedy in my system. Yet, I rather that than harm my pup.

"Why didn't the doctor give you the remedy," Octavius asks.

Adrianna smacks him on the back of his head. "That isn't your business, Octavius! It could have been her decision," she barks.

He sends her a glare as he rubs the back of his head.

I chuckle at the exchange. "I was unable to get it."

That turns heads. "Why," Adrianna asks.

"I am with pup, the remedy would hurt them."

"You didn't know?"

"No, he just told me."

Adrianna goes to say something but is stopped when the bell signaling the start of the challenge chimes and we are all glued to the television.

Immediately I feel a mixture of pain and pride take over Max. His nerves were setting in and he was second guessing all his training for the past weeks.

Was I strong enough? This phrase kept repeating in his mind. Distracting him. Desmond was getting in his head, exactly what he wanted. For a portion of the challenge I didn't have to watch to know what was going on, for I felt everything. I was living the pain he was feeling. Every blow, every bite, and every scratch. Especially the excruciating pain that he was feeling in his left eye and side of his skull.

I gasp seeing Max dangling from Desmond's mouth but that shock is soon gone and all the air in my lungs expel.

A pain enters my back which takes my breath away and makes me scream out in agony. My eyes glued to the television knowing this isn't my pain, but it's my mates. Adrianna and Octavius are quick to be at my side and calm me. Octavius yelling out an order to the bystanders to go get help. Trying to sooth and get me through it. Yet, it didn't go away, it just coursed through my body and made me feel numb and sick.

"Natalie," a soft whisper is heard come from Max's lips before he falls numb.

The challenge is quickly cut and is followed by an emergency news report. A man hunt is underway for the man who shot Max. Unsure of what kind of bullet he was hit with, the man is considered dangerous. The bullet will be identified once he comes out of surgery.

Desmond does play dirty, but this is a new low for him. Hiring a hit man to shoot him during the challenge won't a bullet that is most definitely laced with a poison targeted specifically for werewolves.

Once my body cooled down a little Adrianna assisted me up from the ball I was in on the ground.

"Thank you," I mumble and hold my stomach, worried.

"Your pup is okay. I am sure the doctor explained that since it isn't psychically your body that no harm will come to the pup. Sure, they will feel same pain you are, but they won't be injured since it isn't your own pain," Adrianna explains. "The first Goddess did this because she knew many pups would miscarry if it was the other way around."

"I see."

"Why don't you get some rest? Surely you are still in pain and sore. Resting should help."

I shake my head. "As thankful as I am for your hospitality and generosity, I need to return to my pack before things get out of hand. The pack needs a leader during this time and one is laid up."

"He isn't dead," Octavius asks.

I shake my head, again. "No, I can feel him fighting for his life, the bond is still present. He needs me there to be by his side while he fights and to take care of our people."

He gives an inward nod. "Which is understandable, I will call for your chauffeur to come and retrieve you. Please, if you need anything, please don't hesitate to contact us. We are very close allies with your pack and are willing to help in this time of need."

"Thank you, Alpha Octavius, I gladly will if need be."

"Do not hesitate if you need anything, really. Anything at all. We are glad to help," Adrianna chimes.

My chauffeur pulls around and I load back into the car and we drive off. When returning to the pack territory it is what you'd expect from a pack just witnessing their Alpha be shot. Everyone was in a total frenzy leaving the stadium trying to get home. Safety measures and check points everywhere. A large crowd of reporters surrounding the hospital and eventually swarm to my car when they see my return. At a standstill I had to call for some warriors to come and clear a path so that I may return home safely and unharmed. I also gave an order to not let anyone in or out of the pack, but also to remove the reporters. I want things to calm down so that Max doesn't feel the crazy situation going on in the pack. He needs to heal and not worry about the insanity right now.

Also, warriors were sent to protect the hospital and Max's room. He had an entire wing to himself for his safety and check points were also installed in the hospital so no one can attempt anything while Max is weak and vulnerable.

I was told Desmond was sedated and kept locked away deep in the prison under heavy guard and surveillance as a precautionary measure so he doesn't try to escape or kill himself. That is for me to do. I am now his judge and jury and he is guilty on conspiracy to overthrow the throne. Power driven pig.


Happy Friday everyone! This book is slowly coming to an end! With that being said, there is about eight chapters left. I'm going to have the sequel with their son up soon!

In other news sadly Mr. Brownie has another bladder stone. So we are off to the vet in about two hours.

I hope you all have a safe and wonderful weekend!

~Becca, The Queen of Beans

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