31: The Final Ceremony

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As the end of the party neared my palms became sweaty and I kept rubbing them on my gown. Although I knew Max could feel my anxiety he ignored and carried on with the conversations with others. My dress was wrinkled a little since I was twisting at the fabric.

When the line of people came to an end and the last conversation ended, Max offered his hand.

"Come on, love. It's time to go home," he tells rough but sweetly.

Rubbing my hands one last time on my gown, I take his hand and follow his lead around the table and down the paths. I said my goodbyes to my parents and exchanged hugs with the family, while Max talked to his parents. I couldn't help but think how lonely it must've been for him growing up with no siblings.

As we left the venue I could hear many congratulating us and wishing us luck and many children. I felt awkward at such wishes. It made me uncomfortable as we are newly mated and I have no idea how to do this. Desmond luckily kept his hands off of me and spent most of his time cheating. Which actually worked out for me as he wasn't my true mate and I could have my first time with my true mate. I guess it's a win win in my case.

Sliding in beside me in the car, I lay my head on his shoulder knowing it was a long ride and I'd be able to get some sleep in.

"Are you tired," Max asks, stroking my hair.

I nod. "I am, my heels are killing me and I was up at the crack of dawn to get ready. It was so much fun today but it was stressful."

"Which is understandable. I'll have him take the long way home so you can get some shut eye before the final ceremony."

"Thank you."


A light shake to my arm wakes me up. "Baby, we have arrived."

"Already," I mumble, my voice still heavy with sleep.

He nods.

"That was a short drive."

His laugh sounds like music to my ears. "Yes."

"I am still very tired."

Max slips out of the car and I feel his arms slip around my body and carry me out. My head rests against his shoulder and my arms wrap around his neck. A butler opens the door for us and Max walks in. I catch them all bowing to us as we head up the stairs.

"Have they arrived," I hear Max ask Ryder.

"They have. They are awaiting for you in your bedroom," Ryder tells. "I see you two had too much fun as the Luna is already tired."

I shot him a glare in which he sees and chuckles at.

"You are irritating," Max jokes. "You are relived of your duty as Alpha. Go home, Ryder."


You see while the Alpha is preoccupied in an event like a ceremony and is far away from the capital the Beta takes on the duty as Alpha until his return.

"Hold on a moment," Ryder calls and we stop mid way up the stairs.

"What is it?"

"We actually had to stop a lone wolf earlier in the day. He is locked up and you can speak with him tomorrow if you'd like."

"I'd love to. Thank you, Ryder. That'll be all."

Although I was drifting off to sleep, my body was in shock and horror. There could've been a possible attack. My body wanted to allow sleep to take over so badly but my wolf could feel Max and his wolf's excitement to complete the final ceremony. Although I was tired it was my duty to finish this final ceremony and seal the mate bond. But why tonight? I'm so tired. Did I want to complete it, yes I do. As for my wolf she wanted to rip his clothes off and go until day break.

Max did to, but I could feel the stress lurking in the back of his mind. Interrogating the lone wolf and challenge being in a couple of days. In which is why it was important to complete the mating process so he cannot remove me from my position if something is to happen. Which is obviously unnerving.

Opening the bedroom door there stands a priest and priestess of the moon temples. They hold a few things in their hands. He sets my down on the foot of the bed and assists me with taking off my shoes.

"Your Majesties," the priest greets. "Welcome!"

Max smirks and unravels the bedsheets. Pulling them off the bed. Water is sprinkled upon the bed, it had an exotic scent to it. While the priest does that the priestess chants and sings to the Goddess. I am assuming one chant was for me to be fertile and be with child after tonight's mating. Another is one I am familiar with and that is for us to have a healthy and prosperous relationship. If these chants are gone against it will not be good. Especially since one is not to bring another one into our sacred bed. Kind of like a marital bed.

"Our work is done, Your majesties. We'll be taking our leave now," they tell and bow as the back out of the room.

Max doesn't follow long behind and locks the door and turns back to me. Although there were visible bags under his eyes, I could see the lust and hunger in them. As he approaches me, he undressed himself. Undoing his garments and kicking off his shoes. He then kneels before me, kissing the back of my hand.

"I will never hurt you. I am yours. Please trust me on this, I'd never dream of hurting you or breaking your trust," Max tells.

"I know," I tell breathlessly.

He reaches behind me and undoes the laces holding the dress shut. It becomes loss and Max pulls the rest of it off my body. He scans my body and then locks eyes with me.

"You are beautiful," he murmurs causing me to blush.

He lays me down at the head of the bed and hovers over me. His lips kisses my neck softly and down my body.

"I love you," he tells.

"And I love you."

And we proved our love for each other over and over again that night.


Good evening everyone! I didn't feel comfortable writing a smut scene at the moment. Sorry about that (lol). I hope you enjoyed this update!

I hope you all have wonderful weekend!

~Becca, The Queen of Beans

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