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The profile was ready to be delivered. JJ, as the media liaison, was airing the profile to the public. Though they hadn't previously wanted to air the news to the public, it was becoming an issue that they felt best the press received. Single women were being massacred every night. They had to do something more, especially since it was local.

Cameras lined the bullpen, excited to get the new story. Oh, what a tragic story it was, though. That was one thing that no one on the team was able to understand. The public's fascination and idolization of serial killers was something they had gotten used to, but they never understood.

"Our unsub is a white female in her late 20s to early 30s," Hotch started to deliver the profile, the same solemn and bored expression always on his face remained. "She will be a brunette, but will not appear to be a killer. She will be able to keep her killing urges under control for a reasonable amount of time.

"We have a concrete reason to believe that this woman is targeting Agent Emily Prentiss. The reason is unclear at this time," Morgan added, sitting on a table. "Agent Prentiss will not be in the field, so anyone going by or knocking on your door with the name Emily Prentiss could be using that to gain your trust."

"This unsub could be a part or was previously a part of FBI or local law enforcement. There are 18,383 women in the Virginia area that could fit this profile. The unsub is also targeting 38-year-old white females with brown hair. Statistically speaking that puts 123,497 single 38-year-old brunettes as part of the victimology," Reid mentioned.

It was crazy how Reid had remembered the statistics off the top of his head.

"This unsub is using a ruse, claiming to be Agent Emily Prentiss, also claiming that she is part of a Virginia consensus company. Do not comply with a woman from this company, especially one going by the alias Emily Prentiss," Rossi said.

"It's likely that this unsub will begin to devolve, going on a spree when she can't get to her desired surrogates. In that sense, all brunette women living alone need to be on high alert for a suspicious woman in the Quantico, Virginia area." Emily knew they had to catch this unsub, or she would be in more danger. Her being in danger could put JJ and the team in danger. And Emily would sacrifice herself for them.

JJ began adding an extra warning at the end of the profile/press conference deliverance. "This unsub may not seem threatening. She will likely be able to gain your trust. This is the last woman you would expect to be a killer. Women, I advise you to be careful. This unsub is not going to stick to a pattern for much longer. Thank you."

A newswoman steeped forward, microphone extended to JJ. "How are the women of Virginia supposed to sleep at night knowing someone they may trust could very well be a serial killer?" 

That question sent the other reporters in the room off. People began interjecting and shouting. Soon it was a shouting match of people asking questions- questions that were not going to help the already rising chaos- more and more.

"Why is this woman killing people who remind her of Agent Prentiss?"

"Is Emily Prentiss perhaps involved in the killings of these women?"

"What are you doing to console the victim's families?"

JJ's irritation rose. She knew that these people had jobs, but so did the rest of the BAU. "If you have any serious questions or tips, we have opened an anonymous tip line. I'm sorry, but those will be all the questions we are going to answer."

The BAU was ushered into the conference room, anxious reporters turning away, disappointed with the limited information they were giving. This unsub didn't thrive on attention, so the attention should only warn, not craze, the public. Hopefully, this would save lives and not jeopardize them.

Hotch began speaking. "I want everyone to go home and get some rest. Prentiss, you will be escorted home with a full security detail. JJ, I want you to go to your home with another security detail. If they can't get Prentiss, they will target you to get back at her. This is not up for discussion. You all need some rest, me included. Be back at 7:00 sharp. We need to be prepared in case this unsub strikes again. Do I make myself clear?"

Wow. Hotch was letting them go home. Something was definitely off about this case. However, Prentiss was not going to complain. Hotch was sending her home with six armed guards posted around her house, JJ the same.

"Yes, sir," Emily responded. A chorus of yes's followed Hotch's announcement. Everyone went home. JJ and Emily met in the lobby. They were going their separate ways for the day. After their fight, they wanted to say goodbye to each other. With this job, you never knew.

"Hey, Em, sorry about earlier, I just wanted to say I love you. I'll see you in the morning," JJ said to Emily before they left.

"I love you too, JJ. Let's just put this stuff behind us. I don't want this case to mess things up with us. And, I'm sorry. I'll see you tomorrow, too," Emily responded to JJ.

JJ kissed her girlfriend goodbye, leaving with the security detail. Emily was sad to see her go. But it was ok. JJ was going to be safe. The rest of the BAU would be safe. Because this job had its risks. They always knew how to survive what the universe seemingly didn't want them to.

Emily walked out and down the elevator with her own security detail trailing behind her. The elevators closed, and she left behind the BAU. It was going to be good to be at home and away from the swirling chaos that was this job right now. The peace she would experience would be worth it. The calm before the storm that was sure to come.

Authors Note:

Hope you enjoyed today's chapter. Sorry, it took a bit to make. I can't thank you enough for the support I got. It means so much to me. I hope you enjoy the plot so far. We're almost 1/3 of the way done with the story, and I can't thank you enough for supporting me and letting that happen. Have a great day and have fun reading the rest of this story.

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