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Elle hoped deep down that Emily was going to pull through. In all honesty, it was the plan. Emily was supposed to be turned into a replica of Elle, traumatized by what the team had let happen to them. Emily was supposed to have to live with how the BAU had let her down and ruined her life.

Elle was going to find another victim. She had promised herself she would stop killing when she got to Prentiss. The BAU had gotten the message, and she undoubtedly knew that they had. If Hotchner or Morgan didn't figure it out, it would be Spencer. Alas, she wanted to make them pay even more.

She had been watching them enter Emily's house from a distance. Elle just wanted to see them again. She had tried reaching out to Reid and Morgan, but they turned her away. She shot a rapist and she was delusional, crazy, and "a danger to the team." Elle told herself that she was watching from a distance because she wanted to see their reaction to gauge the situation.

But all she wanted to do was see Spencer again. They had chemistry. No one could have looked at them when they were friends and say that they didn't. Elle wrote Spencer a text, explaining exactly how she felt towards him. She never got enough confidence to be able to send it to him. Would he have responded though?

She went through a lot, trying to figure out what she was feeling and why she was doing this. At first, it was because Gideon was gone. Then it was because Prentiss had taken her place. Maybe she was doing this to get back at Hotch? But none of those reasons could justify her killing the way she wanted to. 

The real reason she went back was so she could see Spencer. It wasn't out of hatred for him. It was out of love for him, and she felt it was the only way to get him to respond. If she had sent a letter, would he have responded? 

So Elle was going to kill again. If she got caught, she would see Spencer. And she had every intention of getting caught eventually. She wanted to talk to Spencer. And if it made her have to die in the process, it was a price she was willing to pay. So it was about Emily and Hotch, yes. But mainly, it was about Spencer Reid.

So Elle set off in search of another victim. Another person had to die because it all played into the grand scheme of things. The BAU didn't care if someone died until it was someone they had a connection to. Prentiss was the way she could do that without harming someone she was too close to.

Elle found herself walking, trying to find a perfect victim. The profile was right, she was going to go for any victim she could overpower. As long as they were single and brunette, she would force her way in and not even have to look back.

One house caught Elle's attention. It was a small, suburban-looking cottage that could really only fit one person, and even that would be fairly cramped. The door would be easy to break into, and it was relatively secluded on the street,  around five meters away from the rest of them. It was far away, and no one would hardly notice if the person was missing. It was around 7:00 a.m., too, so she wouldn't be discovered for another half an hour.

Elle approached the door, ringing a bell that sounded with a boring chime. A woman, appearing to be around forty, opened the door. She looked hesitant as she stared at Elle. The woman opened her mouth to speak before closing it.

"What's your name, ma'am?" The woman was trying to be wary, making sure she wasn't going by the name Emily Prentiss. She shouldn't have even opened her door in the first place. It was going to get her killed.

Elle pretended to at confused, then said, "Oh, sorry. I'm Jennifer Jearau. I just wanted to let you know that," Elle's voiced lowered. Instead of saying something about her concerns for the woman, she pointed her flock at the woman's stomach. "That if you move, I will shoot you."

The woman gasped, staring up at Elle. "Please don't!"

Elle quietly said, "Ma'am, I'm so sorry. Why don't we go inside and have some tea, huh?" She forced the woman onto the couch, preparing to kill her.

"Why are you doing this?" the woman cried out. 

"Do you want to know. Like really want to know? I worked for the FBI." Elle sat down on the chair facing the woman. She looked bored, almost as though she wasn't sure she wanted to tell her story. She continued on with her story.

"My supervisor, a supposed qualified and well-respected man got me shot by a man they could hardly catch. After facing this trauma, I shot a rapist so no more women would need to suffer from him. And then... they fired me. Exiled me from the life I loved. And I have to show them that the Fisher King didn't break me. Because I'm the queen, and they are pawns in this game I am playing. Have I answered our question?"

"But please, don't become like the man who ruined your life!" The woman pleaded for her life in a final desperate attempt.

Elle stared at her, sad and remorseful. "It wasn't the Fisher King that ruined my life. It was Aaron. But I'm not doing this for him. I'm doing it to meet an old friend. Ma'am, you're going to be part of this plan to make my life have meaning. I'm sorry you have to make a sacrifice. But I'm done being sad. I'm done living like this. I'm sorry. When they catch me, I'll make sure they avenge you. I want them to care for you like they never could for me."

Tears started brimming in Elle's eyes, but she ignored them. Elle stood up. Bang! Elle stood up, wiping a tear that threatened to roll down her face. "I'm sorry." 

Author's Note:

Sorry this chapter took me so long to release. I hope you enjoyed it. I tried to structure this similarly to Reid and Cat's relationship. I hope to have the next chapter out soon. Thank you for all the support!

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