Chapter 3 - Coach Orion

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Angelina's POV

We got ready for practice and walked towards the rink. We opened the doors and the rink was revealed.
"Wow, this place is great."
"This is a nice rink."
"Its huge." Some of my fellow teammates said in surprise.
"You know. I bet they even have a snack bar here." Goldberg shared. I punched his arm, making him wince.
"Big deal Goldberg." Fulton sighed.

"They sure won a lot of championships." Julie pointed out, drawing our attention back to the rink. And then we looked down at the ice and saw Varsity practicing.
"They're huge." Someone added.
"They're not so hot." Charlie said, bluntly.
"Why would anyone think that they're hot. They're absolutely vile." I remarked, following it with a gag.
"Come on, guys. We can skate out there." Connie said, encouragingly.
"Damn right we can. Let's kick ass bitches!" I cheered, making laughter erupt.

We started walking toward the door so we can get on the ice, when the Varsity team stopped in front of us.
"If it isn't the two Captain Duckies." The captain of the Varsity team remarked.
"Get your hand off them." Fulton defended.

"Oh look. It's the Bash Brother. I'm so scared." Another player added with a chuckle.
"You better be." I launched myself at him, making the whole Varsity team back up as all my friends held me back.
"Woah she's vicious." One of them stated.
"Break it up. Come on men. Let's go." Their coach ordered and they skated away.

My body finally relaxed and I turned around to face the others.
"He was right there! I could have at least broken his nose!" I retorted, obviously frustrated that I didn't get to punch the dude.
"Not today Hothead." Luis said, patting my back, making me pout.

We started skating on the ice.
"How about it, cowboy? Round up?" Charlie said, turning around to face Dwayne.
"Hey, Charlie. Shouldn't we wait for the new Coach before we mess around?" Connie asked.
"This is how we practice. Duck Hockey, Connie. He'll have to get used to it sooner or later." Then he paused, facing Dwayne once more. "Well come on Cowboy. Hit it." 
"If we get in trouble I'll kill you Spazaway." I warned before dropping my things and skating away.


I was going too fast for Dwayne to catch me. I had a plan to piss Banks of. I saw him skating and I went up to him.
"Hello asshole." I said with a innocent smile.
"What do you want Sparks?" He glared.
"What? Can't I ask how my rivals day was? Well too late for that I guess." I finished then pointed at Dwayne who was behind Adam. I skated away just in time for only Adam to get caught. He looked at me and glared.
"Sparks you're dead." He yelled.
"Whatever you say ASSHOLE." I yelled back, before skating away and laughing to myself.


Eventually Dwayne caught Charlie, making him fall to the ground. But the bad thing was that he landed in front of what looked like our new Coach.

"My name is Coach Orion. You can call me 'Coach' or 'Coach Orion'." He said, in a serious tone. Charlie got up.
"Well you can call me 'Charlie'." Charlie joked while putting his hand out, making the team chuckle, except me.
"That must be what the 'C' on your jersey stands for, huh? Because it sure doesn't stand for 'captain'." Oh boy, Charlie's gonna be pissed.

"Sorry, Coach. We were just messin' with you, you know?" Russ said, trying to ease the tension.
"Hey Bombay gave him that 'C'." Goldberg made clear, trying his best to defend Charlie.
"And I respect that, but that's the pass. This is my team now and I'll be selecting the Captain." Ugh! Now I'll have Charlie complaining about this for the rest of his life.

"You've got to be kidding me, right? I mean, you're the rookie here. We've all been together for 4 years." Charlie snapped.
"Alright, Charlie. Laps. Right now." Coach said.
"How many Coach Orion?"
"I don't recall saying." And then Charlie began his laps.

"Now listen up, and you listen good. We are here for one reason, and one reason only. You know what that is? Starts with a 'W'." Coach quizzed, looking at Averman.
"To win, Coach Orion sir!" He said confidently.
"No!" Coach said.

"To work." I spoke up, making everyone look at me, including Coach.
"Correct." He took a quick pause. "High School hockey is very hard work, and it all begins with defence. I've seeing your tapes. I know you can score goals. I just don't know if you can stop them."
"Hey." Goldberg spoke up, which made Coach glare at him. "Sorry, sir."

"You're not kids or little ducks anymore, so I'm not going to treat you that way. You're going to learn to play two-way hockey: offence and defence. Its going to take one thing. It starts with a 'W'." And he turned to Averman again.
"To work, Coach Orion, sir!" Averman spoke up again.

"Will." I answered, and everyone looked at me in surprise.
"Correct. It's going to take real will if you want to play in my barn. Alright. Count off. Let's climb the ladder." And we did what we were told.


Adam's POV

We were now going to take shots at Goldberg. I was first.
"Whoo, alright Banks. Let's see what you got, baby. Come on, bring it up." I scored. "Nice shot. Very nice."
Guy was next. He scores.
"Yeah. Lucky shot. Merry Christmas Guy."

Then Dwayne. He scores.
"Cowboy you don't impress me."
Then Averman. He scores.
"Averman have you been practicing?"
It was now Angelina's turn, she tricked him, making him dive and then she scored.
"That's not fair! Ange can score on anyone. That doesn't count." He complained while getting up.

I turned to Charlie, who was right next to me.
"He's not wrong about that. Ange has never missed a shot. Ever." He said, and all I did was nod. He was right.

The I felt someone approached us from behind. Sparks. She stopped and stood between us. We both looked at her.
"We need a new goalie." She said. We looked up and saw Kenny collide with Goldberg. We all winced.
"Definitely." I agreed, before looking back at her.
I caught myself staring at her gorgeous hazel eyes-. Okay chill out Banks!

She skated away, going to talk to Guy and Connie. As I was looking at her skate away, Charlie cleared his throat. That made me snap out of it and look at him.
"I saw that." He said with a big smirk on his face.
"Shut up. Its nothing." I rolled my eyes and skating away.
But was it nothing?

Angelina's POV

Coach then swapped Goldberg with Julie and we went for another round.
She saved everyone's shot so far.
"Sorry Connie."
"Good shot Dwayne."
"Next time Russ."
Then it was my turn. I scored.

"You're shots are the only shots I cant save." Julie said, making me chuckle.
I turned around and, again I made eye contact with him. His eyes locked with mine.
"You guys are so cute." Connie nudged me in the rib gently, making me snap out of my thoughts.
"Seriously?! Its nothing." I skated away.
But was it nothing?


Practice finished after what felt like forever. We were making our way back to the locker room. Charlie pushed the door open.
"Somebody get a shovel and bury me right here." Goldberg said, laying down on the bench where his stuff were.
"Sure. I'll do it for you. I've been wanting to for a while." I replied in utter exhaustion.

"I'll teach you to play like what? Starts with a 'W'!" Charlie howled.
"Wussies." Me and Averman replied in unison.
"That's right. Wussies on offense and defence." Charlie finished, with a very big grunt as he sat down.

Then Coach came through the door.
"Eden Hall Academy requires you to maintain a C average to compete. I believe that's a bad rule."
"Wow. Go Coach." Some of the others responded.

"I don't want any C players on my team. I want B's or better or you're gonna be riding the pine pony. Now you got 15 minutes after each practice to clear this locker room. You got homework to do. Oh, one more thing. Stay clear of Varsity until we play them in the J.V - Varsity Showdown. You got that?" And with not another word he left the locker room making everyone groan.

That was Chapter 3! Hope you enjoyed!

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