Chapter 14 - Confessions

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Angelina's POV

"Freeze! Hey! Hey! Break it up!" Coach Orion sprinted towards us and started pulling Varsity players away from us. "Break it up now!" He shouted at everyone. I went and picked up Averman's glasses and handed them to him. "Its a damn good thing I'm not your coach." Orion was holding Riley by the collar of his jersey. "Now, get your team out of here now! He yelled and Riley nodded.

"Varsity team, out! Let's go!" Coach continued to yell.
"This ain't over." Cole said and I launched myself at him, punching him in the jaw, before he hit the ice. He quickly got up and skated away.
Then the Varsity team left the rink shortly and it was just us left.

"Well congratulations. You just forfeited whatever mental edge you might have had over the Varsity. Now they know they own you." He yelled. "This isn't pee-wee's. Your little Duck tricks are not going to work at this level. Now for the last time, stay away from the Varsity! And get those Duck jerseys off." No one moved. "Let's go! Come on! Now! Take them off!" He ordered "The Ducks are dead."

Everyone started taking their jerseys off except for me, Charlie and Fulton. Charlie crossed his arms over his chest and stood still.
"You got two choices Conway. Take off the jersey right now or you don't play."
"You're breaking up the best thing any of us have ever had." Charlie said, sternly.

"Well it's time to grow up." Orion said.
"Grow up?" Charlie asked.
"Uh-oh." I mumbled.
"Like you, huh? A washed-up pro who wants to show off to a bunch of kids. Geez, that's real grown up."
"Okay, goodbye Conway. Anybody else?" Charlie started leaving and Fulton followed. "Alright, goodbye Fulton. No one's forcing you to be here. It's your lives. You decide what to make of them." He paused. "Alright. 20 laps. Then hit the showers." And he left the rink too.

I still had my Duck jersey on. My eyes started to sting.
"Ange?" Kenny said, making me look and see the whole team looking at me.
I didn't say anything, I just took off my jersey and held it in my hand. I started my laps. I finished after around 3 minutes and then walked to the locker room.


I opened the door and I got pinned to a wall. Banks. Why does he always have to pin me to a wall?
"What do you want? Why are you here?" I asked, looking at him directly in the eye.
"Look I'm sorry for what happened out there-" he started to say.
"I don't need your stupid apology. Because its not going to fix anything. It's not going to fix the fact that you started punching my best friend. Or that your whole team were literally doing everything to hurt us out there."

"Or the fact that the whole team literally got ripped apart. Or that Charlie and Fulton left and are not coming back. And I don't see you coming back any time either, so what good does a worthless apology do?"
Tears were now streaming down my face. "Just get out of here and leave me alone. And leave all of us alone for that matter. You've done more harm than good." I pushed him off me and walked to my locker.

I heard the door shut and I sat down. I had my arms leaning on my knees and my head rested on my hands. I could hear my own pulse in my ears. Everything just went so fast.

I heard the door open but I didn't move. I heard my friends run over to me. I looked up and I could barely see. Everything was blurry. But not long later I saw that Connie and Julie were sitting on the floor in front of me holding my hands, Kenny was next to me with his hands on my shoulders and everyone else was standing around me, giving me sympathetic looks.

"How did everything become so wrong? I feel like this is all my fault."
"Ange, none of this was your fault. Don't blame yourself for this." Russ said, calmly.
"Everything is so bad. Fulton and Charlie are gone, Banks is turning into an even bigger asshole. The team is getting ripped apart. I don't know what to do."
"We'll figure it out." Luis said.
"But will we? Everything has changed. I feel like I've lost everything so quickly. I even feel like I've lost Banks."

Everyone let out a slight gasp.
"What do you mean?" Goldberg asked.
"I guess it's because he hasn't been around. He's not here to constantly make fun of me or call me names, and I miss that. I miss him." I confessed making them gasp again. "I've grown a fondness towards him and..."
"And?" Averman asked.
"I like him okay? I have feelings for Banks." I admitted. There was a silence.

"Are you guys mad?"
"Ange we would never be mad at you for that." Kenny said, rubbing my shoulders. "We knew."
"You knew?" I asked is shock.
"We all knew you did. All of us. Since the beginning." Guy clarified.
"Don't try to hide it." Julie said.
"And we know things are hard, but they will get better, we promise." Connie reassured.
I sighed and shook my head. "If I didn't have you guys I would be doomed." I said with a slight laugh.
"We know." They all said in unison.


We got ready and we left the locker room to go to class. I walked to maths with Kenny.


Connie's POV

I had English with Banks and the whole class he was acting extremely weird. As soon as the bell rang I started following him. The moment I caught him of guard I grabbed his arm and pulled him into an empty classroom and shut the door.

"What is up with you?" I asked.
"I don't know what you're talking about." He said, obviously playing dumb.
"You're acting weird. Extremely weird, not just now but in English too." .
"Because I feel weird Connie!" He yelled.
"What?" I asked, giving him a concerned look.
"I cant hide it anymore!"
"Hide what?"
"How weird I feel without her!"
"Without who, Banks?"

I blinked a couple of times, trying to process what he just said.
"... what?" I asked again.
"I guess it's because I haven't been around. I don't get constant sassy or sarcastic comments thrown at me and I miss that. I miss her."
"So?" I asked with a smirk, waiting for a specific answer.
"I like her okay? I have feelings for Sparks! Is that what you wanted to hear?" And just like that I ran out of the classroom to find the others.


They were all in history. Luckily Ange wasn't there yet, and they were the only ones in the classroom so far. I ran and stood right in front of all of them.
"Guys! Guys! Big news! Big NEWS!" I squealed.
"What is it!?!"
"Adam just confessed his feeling for Ange!" I yelled and they all started cheering. "FINALLY!"
We all continued to talk loudly.

"Are you guys good?" I heard a voice ask, it was Ange, then right behind her, Banks walked in.
Me and the others looked at each other again and smirked at each other.

That was Chapter 14! Hope you enjoyed!

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