Chapter 11 - "I knew it!"

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Angelina's POV

The next day I was walking to class. I walked into chemistry and sat down. Knowing that Banks sits right behind me I turned around to face him. I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and pulled him forward.

"If you tell anyone what happened yesterday I will rain hell on you for the rest of your fucking life. Clear?"
"Our secret is safe with me darling. I wont tell anyone about our secret thing that we have going on." He said with a smirk. The way he called me 'darling' made my heart skip a beat.

I stood up and slapped him across the face.
"Its not a 'thing' it was just a moment of weakness from both of us." Then people finally started coming in, and unfortunately the first people to walk in were our friends. "And don't call me 'darling' or you know what will happen." I threatened, glaring at Banks before sitting down.

"Like I said, I wont tell a soul, darling." He said again. I got up.
"Banks you're dead!" I launched myself at him. All our friends reacted immediately and pulled us off each other.
"Both of you relax!" Dwayne yelled.
"Whatever." Me and Banks said in unison before sitting down again.

Moments later the teacher walked in. Everyone else took their seats. Banks leaned forward and whispered in my ear.
"I hate you." 
"Awww I love me too! Now fuck off." I pushed him back away from me.

~ (a couple of days later)

Banks and I got an A+ for the project, the highest in the class, and even then I couldn't even look him in the eyes because it reminded me of what happened a couple of nights ago.


"Connie I'm not going to the stupid dinner tonight." I whined while Connie was dragging me through the hallway by my arm. She was forcing me to go shopping so I can find an outfit and get ready at her house with Julie.

"Yes you are!" She yelled. "And you still haven't told us what that thing that happened between you and Banks on Tuesday was about." Julie added
"Ok fine I'll tell you guys. Just please relax."

Connie let go of my arm and we continue to walk normally. Connie's mum drove us to the mall.


We were currently shopping for an outfit and I was explaining what happened between me and Banks the other night and the morning after.

"You definitely had a interesting start to the week." Julie said with a giggle.
"I guess I did." I said with a slight laugh.
"I found the perfect outfit for you Ange!" Connie yelled.

She showed me this:

"Oh my god! Yes!" Julie squealed

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"Oh my god! Yes!" Julie squealed.
"If you wear this not only are you going to have all the boys there falling hard for you. But you'll also look super sexy and will show them who's boss." Connie grinned.
"Let's check out and go get ready girls."

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