Chapter 29 - Avoidance

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Julie's POV

Connie and I were at her house doing homework. Ange said she would go to speak to Adam so she couldn't come. Connie's phone started ringing, making me jump slightly.

She picked it up.
"Hello?... Ange are you okay?" She asked. I stood up and put my ear on the other side of the phone. All we could hear was the sound of Ange crying and hyperventilating. With no hesitation, Connie hung up the phone, grabbed some stuff and we practically sprinted to Ange's house.

We opened the door and we saw her. Her back was leaned against the wall where her phone was hanging from. Her hands were in her hair and the sound of her struggle to breathe was clearly audible.

We ran over to her. She looked up at us. Connie and I saw one of our biggest horrors; Ange in complete sufferance.
Her eyes were blood red, and her under eyes were puffy. Her hands were shaking and her chest was moving up and down quickly. She was having panic attack.

"I... can't... do... this..." She uttered in between breaths. "I... want... to... die-"
"Ange don't say that. Listen. Keep your eyes on me and copy my breathing." I said, holding one of her hands and trying my best to keep calm too.
Connie was sitting next to Ange holding her other hand, tears in her eyes at the sight of our best friend like this.


After around 25 minutes she did calm down.
"I'm sorry" Ange quietly apologized.
"Don't apologise. Its okay. We're here and everything will be okay." Connie assured.
Ange then put her head on Connie's shoulder. Connie and I pulled her into a hug.

"Can you stand up for me?" I asked. She nodded, and we slowly helped her over to her bed.
"Now I'll go get some food and we'll watch movies, have a little girls night." Connie said, and Ange gave her a small smile.

Connie's POV

I walked out of Ange's room and went straight to her phone. I dialled a number and put the phone to my ear.
"Hi mom. Um... I'm staying at Ange's tonight she really needs us right now."
"Alright sweetie. I'll make you cookies and bring them too you. Is Ange okay?"

"She is now." I proceeded to tell her what happened.
"Alright see you in a bit sweetie." She hung up the phone.
I then proceed to order food from other restaurants.


All the food arrived, my mom also brought the cookies. My mom told me herself that she considers Julie and Ange as children of her own, and she knows I consider them sisters. She got extremely worried about Ange.

The rest of the night we watched movies and focused on cheering Ange up. It was currently around 11 o'clock at night.
"Guys." Ange said.
"What's up?" I asked.
"I don't want to go to school tomorrow."
"We don't either. We can just stay home." Julie said and Ange nodded.

~ (the next day)

Adam's POV

We have been waiting for the girls for 30 minutes. First period was about to start and they still weren't here. All of us were extremely confused. Kenny, Portman, Averman and Goldberg said they needed to go to their lockers before first period so they left.

Then it hit me.

What if they know what I did last night? What if Ange found out what I did? I needed to tell someone?

I looked over at Charlie, Russ, Fulton, Luis, Dwayne and Guy.
"Guys." They all looked at me.
"I need to tell you guys something."


That was Chapter 29! I'm sorry it was short. Hope you enjoyed!

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