Chapters 23 - Anniversary

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Angelina's POV

It was Tuesday morning. Julie, Connie and I got out of the car as usual and started walking to the quad where we usually meet the boys.

We reached them and Adam was no where to be seen.
"Where's Banksie?" Julie asked them and they shrugged.
Moments later, I felt someone put their hands over my eyes.
"Guess who?" The voice asked.
I giggled "Adam." He let me turn around.

He had a big smile on his face.
"Happy 6 month anniversary." He said.
"Awwwwwww!" The team echoed.
I went and hugged him. "Happy 6 month anniversary." I whispered in his ear. I stepped back but then he pulled me in for a short kiss.

"I'm taking you out tonight." He added.
"So it's a date?" I asked.
"It's a date." He kissed my forehead. "Be ready at about 6."
"But what should I wear?"
"Dress a bit fancy."
"Come on lovebirds!" We heard some of our friends yelled and we started walking our separate ways. I looked back at Adam and he gave me a wink before disappearing with Guy and Fulton.


I heard a knock at my front door. Knowing who it was, I made my way towards the door. Before opening I made sure I checked myself in a mirror.

The Outfit:

Adam's POV

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Adam's POV

I approached her door, with a rose in hand. I took a deep breath before knocking. I heard her unlock the door and open it. The moment I saw her my eyes widened. She looked amazing. How was I so lucky.
"Hello there, my love."

"Hi handsome." She greeted, coming up to me and kissing me.
My hands went straight to her waist. After a few seconds we pulled away. I handed her the rose and she started blushing.
"Ready to go?"
"Let me just grab my purse." She went back inside for a moment then stepped back out. She locked her door.

I reached my hand out for her to take and she did just that. We started walking.


I booked a reservation for one of the most expensive restaurants in Minneapolis. We reached the restaurant, I stepped forward and opened the door for Ange. I followed behind her.
"Good evening. How can I help?" The host greeted.
"We have a reservation." I replied.
"Name please." He looked down at the sheet of paper in front of him.
"Adam Banks."
"Follow me."

We started following him
"I can't believe you managed to book a reservation here." Ange whispered.
"What can I say, I'm the best."
She rolled her eyes playfully. "Now is not the time to get cocky Banksie."

We had to go up a flight of stairs so we can reach our table. I booked the most expensive table in the whole restaurant. We got to the top and the host stopped in front of the door.
"Enjoy your night." He said before walking away.

I put my hand on the door handle.
"Ready?" I asked and Ange nodded.
I slowly opened the door and Ange's eyes lit up.
"Adam, you did not." Was all she said before walking in.

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