Persephone is shooketh

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(Warning: heavy makeup session)

Nico was staying in the underworld for a week to get to know Hades and Persephone.

I had missed him a ton, but I didn't expect him TO SHADOW TRAVEL INTO MY CABIN AT MIDNIGHT.

I was trying to sleep, thinking about Nico, when I realized the shadows were looking weird. Then I realized he was right next to me, I almost jumped out of the bed.

"Neeks! You scared me" I whisper shouted. Why was he here? I was glad to see him but these exact circumstances were just weird.

"Love you too, now I was going to wanna spend some time with you but not if your gonna be rude" he rolled his eyes. I didn't want him to go obviously, so I grabbed his shoulder when he started to shadow travel back. "Good, now I have an idea"

He had a smirk that both made me nervous and intrigued me. He explained that he could shadow travel me to the underworld, we could spent the night together. And in the morning he'd shadow travel me back.

"I don't know, you'd be really exhausted once you shadow traveled me back" I was wary to say the least.

"Come onnnn. I miss you, you miss me, we won't be seeing each other for like 4 days, we don't even have to do anything intimate if you don't want to. Just cuddle" he took my arms and wrapped them around himself.

"I do want to, shadow traveling just drains your energy so much" I'm not gonna lie, I was genuinely considering it.

"Tell you what, I'll take a lazy day the entirety of tomorrow"

I thought about it for a second, I bit my nail. Nico waited for my answer in anticipation.

"Alright, but just tonight" I gave in. He gave a small cheer before asking "can I kiss you now?" I gave a small nod and he pulled me forward to his lips.

I gave in, what did you expect? I'm a teenage boy and I missed the love of my life.

Before I knew it we were in what I presumed was Nico's room. It was dark and had minimal decor. The bed was round with dark shades of purple and blue as the blankets and pillows. There was also a nightstand next to it with a mythomagic card set.

We were already on his bed when we got there, his arms around my neck pulling me towards him. "Can I kiss your neck?" I said breathlessly. We always asked, consent is key folks.

I kissed lightly, trying not to create a hickey cause that would definitely be noticeable in the morning.

I could feel his hands work my shirt off, not before asking. I could feel my face heat up, but wait, what if they heard us? We'd only done it in a cabin, so we were technically in a separate building then.

"Wait what if they hear us?"

"Will... this is a literal castle, they're not gonna hear us" he rolled his eyes, pulling me on top of him. Well I felt stupid.

He pulled me on top of him and I could hear how heavy his breathing was getting. He wrapped his legs around my waist, my knees and one of my forearms holding me up so I didn't crush him.

My kissed trailed down his neck and collar bone and could feel him riding against me, a moan escaping his mouth.

Of course we heard a door open, of course.

"Nico are- Oh gods! What is happening here?!" Persephone said, shielding her eyes.

Nico had told me, that since she warmed up to him she had taken on a protective mother role. I was glad about this but the second I heard her voice in this situation I froze.

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