Ch 5- The Minarai.

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“If a few minutes of suffering could make me so angry, what would years of it do? Even a stone can be worn down with enough rain.”

Kakashi and Miomomo walked slowly back toward the bridge they always meet at. The walk had been quiet, as if something was eating away at Kakashi. He glanced over at Miomomo, and their eyes caught each other.

“What?” She questioned, annoyed by the obvious silence. Kakashi stopped, causing her to do the same. He bent down, to meet her eye level. His single black eye bored into Miomomo’s deep blue ones.

“A year ago, the Hokage told you that he would pay for you to join the ninja academy, and even pay for housing, remember?” How could she forget? It was as if it happened yesterday. A page in a book that she closed, but dog eared, so that she may comeback.


“Why did you turn it down? That day we met, you told me becoming a ninja was your dream, that you would do anything.” Miomomo also remembered why she turned the offer down, and how she vowed to never tell her sensei. She wanted to surprise him when she became a geisha. She wanted him to give her the same look he gave the group of gorgeous geisha a year ago. Her eyes averted away from his; she could not lie to his face.

“I… I can’t leave my Okasan.”

“But why not? You told me you hated her. Do you realize that you could be an amazing ninja? You have so much potential and you’re really strong for your age.”

“I just do not want to…” Her tiny voice trailed off for a moment. In that moment, she secretly hoped that her sensei wasn’t disappointed. Kakashi stood up and continued walking slowly “Please don’t be angry with me.” She said quietly. He sighed and looked up towards the sky.

“I’m not angry with you Momo-chan.” She whipped her head up towards his towering figure with wide eyes. Kakashi saw her reaction and chuckled; that quickly became her favorite sound. “Miomomo is kinda a mouthful.” A giggle erupted from her mouth. That was the first time someone used the ending part of her name, and the first time someone who mattered deeply to her gave her an honorific. The bridge came into view, and Miomomo felt her happiness fade; like the mist of a crashing wave.

“Why did we have to end training early today?” She asked, not taking her eyes off the bridge, that wasn’t just a bridge. It symbolized hellos’ in the daylight and goodbyes in the evening.

“I have something to go to with the rest of my ANBU squad.” She stayed silent, but secretly wondered what was. “Don’t worry; I’ll make it up to you Momo-chan.” She smiled gingerly and nodded.

“You better, I have jutsus’ to learn.” Kakashi ruffled her hair and laughed.

“Well this is it.” Kakashi said standing on the bridge looking out towards the water. Miomomo smiled sadly.

“See ya later Kakashi-sensei.” A poof of smoke obscured her vision for a moment, before disappearing along with her sensei.

She ran all the way back to the Okiya. Her wooden geta click-clacked loudly on the stone of the road; she quietly entered the Okiya and took off her geta. Toph walked by and spotted her.

“Hey Mio-chan!” Toph smiled brightly, waving at her.

“Hey!” She followed Toph back to their shared room, and plopped down on her bed.

“You look exhausted.” Toph said, chuckling at Miomomo’s dramatic antics.

“I fought with my sensei today.”

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