Ch 6- The Uchiha Kunoichi.

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“Those of us with water in our personalities don’t pick where we’ll flow to. All we can do is flow where the landscape of our lives carries us.”


Her fingers gently held the large pick, while she carefully strummed the shamisen. The three-stringed instrument was an important piece to a geisha puzzle. It came easy to Miomomo, mostly because she was determined to become a geisha as soon as possible. Her closed eyes, gave her a simple, serene darkness; where she could imagine anything she wanted while she played. A small smile came upon her face when she thought of Kakashi, and the look he will give her when she becomes a full geisha. An abundance of claps erupted from the class, after she finished the piece. The teacher gave her a pleased smile, while joining in on the clapping. After it had died down the teacher spoke:

“Miomomo, you have done so well in such a short amount of time. You’re already at the top of the class and surely ready to become a Maiko.” Miomomo’s face lit up with immense joy. She placed down the shamisen and bowed to the class, before skipping off the stage.

“Did you hear the teacher? I am ready to be a Maiko and I am only ten!” She hopped around Toph excitedly.

“Congratulations Miomomo.” Toph smiled at her, but the happiness expressed on her mouth didn’t reach her eyes. Miomomo noticed this, and grew serious.

“Don’t worry Toph-chan, we’ll become geisha together, I’ll wait for you.”

“It’s alright Miomomo, I am happy for you. You worked really hard.” Toph stared straight ahead, almost losing her mind in the crowd. “What made you decide to become a geisha?”

“I like someone… and they like geisha… I am doing it for him.” Toph smiled and nodded. “Hey Toph-chan?”


“Could you cover for me? I have to go meet my Sensei.” She watched the Hyūga girls, lavender eyes blink at her.

“Of course Mio-chan.” She said quietly.

“I’ll see you later!” Miomomo called out before running though the crowd, missing the small tear that fell from Toph’s left eye.

Her geta pounded the ground, sending a small gust of dirt spraying behind her.  She bobbed and weaved through the crowd, making sure to avoid bumping into someone. Her running slowed down to a halt at the familiar smell of grilled fish. She saw the old man, still grilling fish at his food cart.

“Yakizakana-san!” She beamed at him.

“Ah, how peculiar, I thought I heard a little girl voice.” The old man rubbed his chin, pretending to be in thought. Miomomo giggled and hopped up and down.

“I’m right here Yakizakana-san!” His eyes widened and he looked down at the ten year old girl.

“Mio-chan!” She hugged the wrinkled old man.

“Guess what, I am at the top of my class; that means I can be a Maiko and I am only ten!” His eyes lit up and he grinned at her.

“I guess that calls for a special lunch today!” He pulled out a bento wrapped in a beautiful pink, silk cloth. Her eyes widened as he accepted it. The silk was decorated in an intricate floral pattern.

“Yakizakana-san… This furoshiki looks expensive, are you sure?” He nodded.

“I want you to have it. It used to be my daughters; you remind a lot of her.” Miomomo gave him a quick hug and bowed.

“I promise to keep this furoshiki safe and protect it with my life!” The old chuckled.

“I know you will Mio-chan.”

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