Ch 23- Breathe.

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"If you have experienced an evening more exciting than any in your life, you're sad to see it end; and yet you still feel grateful that it happened."

Miomomo stared in the full-length mirror at her glowing smile; the one Gaara was responsible for. She held her arms up while one of the new apprentice geisha helped her into her kimono.

"In that moment, I knew thoughts of you would keep me awake at night; and I am almost embarrassed to admit, I have lost endless moments of sleep." Lolita said, in a deep voice trying to imitate Gaaras'. Miomomo laughed as Lolita read Gaara's letter out loud to her. Lolita jumped off her perch on Miomomo's bed and ran up to her, staring into her eyes. "It reminds me of when I had a demon, and I couldn't sleep for fear he would consume me; it is the same concept..." She trailed off with her deep voice, and Miomomo smiled at her. The apprentice geisha smiled and exited the room. "Only, this demon; is the qualms of love-and I wouldn't think twice; I would let it consume me completely...Sincerely and always yours, Gaara." Miomomo put a hand to her chest.

"Oh Gaara, I may have a gift for expression, but you have a way with words." Lolita giggled, and cleared her voice.

"Mio-chan, you're the only girl of my eyes." Miomomo tried to suppress a giggle.

"I am sure you say that to all the girls."

"Only if all the girls were you~" Lolita made kissy faces at Miomomo, causing them both to cackle out with laughter. There was a knock at the door, and Miomomo composed herself.

"Okay Gaara; let's go see who's at the door." Lolita bounced behind her.

"It's probably Naruto-kun!"

"Maybe..." Miomomo said cryptically. Lolita shot her a look, and before she could question it, Miomomo opened the door to reveal Sasuke.

"Sasuke!" Lolita blurted out; a faint blush appearing on her cheeks. "What are you doing here?" Sasuke smirked.

"Taking you to the festival."

"B-but-" She looked back and forth from Miomomo to Sasuke. "I thought I was going with Okasan." Miomomo rolled her eyes.

"Okasan will live."

"Are you ready to go?" Sasuke asked, almost impatiently.

"She is." Miomomo said when Lolita couldn't speak, and ushered Lolita out the door. Sasuke started to walk on ahead; and Lolita turned back before following him.

"Thank much." She had tears in her eyes, threatening to release themselves.

"It's nothing... just go already!" Miomomo said, before she started to cry.

"I love you Mio-chan, bye-bye!" Lolita ran to catch up with Sasuke.

"Use protection!" Miomomo called out, laughing. Lolita had a nose bleed and Sasuke threw a kunai at Miomomo's head.

The next knock at the door was Naruto, she was sure of it. He had been standing outside nervously practicing what he was going to say when she opened the door. She opened the door with a small smile on her face. Naruto stood there wearing his festival clothes. Miomomo almost choke at how mature and handsome he looked. Naruto's eyes widened and his mouth dropped at the sight of her.

"Mio-chan; you look beautiful as always!" He blurted out, and covered his mouth. Those few moments of practicing what he was going to say rendered futile against Miomomo's appearance. "Please don't tell Gaara I said that." Miomomo giggled.

"Thank you Naruto, and don't worry; your compliment is safe with me." They walked for a few moments in silence before Naruto spoke up again.

"Where is Gaara anyway?"

"He is very busy, the Kazekage life takes up most of his time...something you will have to deal with when you become Hokage." Naruto whipped his gaze her way with a shock expression.

"You think I can do it?" Miomomo stopped and looked Naruto in the eyes.

"You're going to become Hokage someday-believe it, Naruto-kun."

The festival was beautiful; there were sakura trees everywhere, and smiles etched on everyone's face. Sakura petals flutter gently through the night sky, one landing on Naruto's head. Miomomo giggled and stopped him, to take the petal out of his spiky hair.

"Damn petals, they're making me look girly!" Naruto whined.

"Naruto-kun, petals don't threaten your manliness." She stared at the petal in her hand. "I hope I didn't ruin your chance of going with Sakura." Her voice spoke almost absentmindedly.

"Nah, Sakura would never go with me in a million years, you just saved me from having to go alone!" He flashed her a huge grin and gave her a thumbs up; but there was something behind his smile. "Sorry you were kinda forced to go with me; I know you rather go with Gaara." He said, scratching the back of his head. While she knew she rather be with Gaara; she also knew that she loved Naruto, and because he was one of her best friends, she didn't mind going to the festival with him.

"Naruto, there is no other person I'd rather go with; you're my best friend, Sakura should be dying to go to the festival with you..." She smiled warmly. "Beside Gaara is a grouchy butt; you're fun." Naruto choked, and his eyes glazed over. Miomomo gave him a concerned look. "Naruto are you okay?" He held up a finger and turned his head; a small sniffle sound emitted from his mouth. A smile of realization washed away her previous worried expression. "Naruto, are you...are you crying?"

"No, I just, I just got something in my eye; yeah that's it, something got in my eye!" He defended, flailing his arms around.

"Oh right, sure; I believe you." She giggled behind the sleeve of her kimono. Naruto turned back to her and held up a fist.

"Are you laughing at me?!"

"Oh no, I just got something in my throat." She laughed again. Naruto steamed comically.

"I'll give ya something alright!" He barked. That didn't ease her laughter, only added to it.

"Please Naruto; I am not that kind of girl." Naruto gave a confuse face for a moment, before a blush rose to his cheeks, indicating it finally registered to him.

"Alright that's it!" Naruto yelled, chasing after her.

The night droned on; and Miomomo danced elegantly on stage, in front of the large crowd. For a moment she thought she saw Madara amongst the sea of many faces; but didn't lose her focus. She took her sword and flung chakra blades into the air, slicing the falling sakura petals. For the end of the dance she performed the genjutsu she learned from Kurenai and her body evaporated into thousands of tiny, delicate sakura petals; cuing the crowd to erupt into claps. She poofed backstage and took a deep breath and found herself thinking about Gaara. It seemed after all the adversity that constricted her airway, squeezing tears out of her that she could finally breathe.

Okay so someone suggested that adding the link to the voting book; so here it is: it's on the @NartuoWattys account. Just go to the chapter called love story and type the name of the story, along with my username. Also this book is ending on chapter 30; no need to drag it on any further.

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