Ch 28- Selfish Heart.

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"And yet if I drew my thoughts back from him, what life would I have? I would be like a dancer who had practiced since childhood for a performance she would never give."

The sun touched Miomomo's face, but it wasn't a gentle grasp, it was rough-unforgiving; and maybe she deserved it. The Suna sun has always been unkind to outsiders; could she brave the sun's harsh weather after she married Gaara? It was true, that the people of Suna made her feel welcomed, but she knew all too well she would miss the bridge with the bickering waterfall, the green grass... friends, family-Biyōchō.

"How do you walk in these things-they're so tall!" Miomomo said walking like a newborn fawn. Biyōchō giggled in her kimono sleeve and watched.

"Human nature-" She chuckled again. "We have a remarkable way of growing accustomed to things."

With the good times, came all the adversity she had gone through with it, although she would be far away from it, she could not escape it; for Miomomo knew that you could not flee misery-memories never fade.

"What are you-" Madara shushed her; and turned his attention back on the discreetly dressed man. He cowered under Madara's stoic scrutiny, pleading to give him any information.

"This man was going to kill you, had I not been here." She looked at the ninja in disbelief.

"He could have tried, but I doubt he wouldn't have gotten very far." Her words must have pleased him, because his lips curled into a small smirk.

"You enjoy it, don't you? You take pleasure in killing." With one look, he killed the man, the body dropping to the ground in a sickening thump. His rough hand grabbed her face. "Stand by my side and you can enjoy all the pleasure life has to offer you."

"If this is the only pleasure life offered me, I'd be better off shutting out that one brilliant source of light to let my eyes begin to adjust to the darkness."

She shook her head to rid herself of that memory; and instead, thought of a sweeter one.

Her fingers ran through her hair as she sat there, breathing heavily on top of Gaara. His breath was shallow and his eyes were widely staring up at her; their breaths were the only sounds in her room. His yes just stared at her in wonderment-everything about that moment was perfect, something he wanted to last forever. Miomomo went to move off of him, but Gaara stopped her.

"Just a little while longer." He studied every curve of her body and looked at the way the moonlight touched it, remembered how her flesh tasted, took in her scent and the way it seemed as if she had bathed in sakura petals, felt her the softness of her skin inside and out and how perfectly he fit inside her.

"I never knew I could experience a moment like this in my life." Miomomo looked down and smiled. "And I wish to experience it every day-with you, of course."

She smiled sadly, Gaara was always hers since the day she took him into bed with her, but she was never only his.

The rain pounded relentlessly on Kakashi's roof, it was a beautiful, and magically annoying sound-but it was also calming. She stared at his unmasked face, resting her head on his chest.

"I want to say sorry, that I shouldn't have done this until you were sober; but shit, I don't regret it." Miomomo laughed with Kakashi.

"So don't say it." He looked down at her, and touched her face.

"Does this mean..."

"No." His hand dropped from her and her eyes seemed to darken.

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