Ch 10- Imprint.

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“He was like a song I'd heard once in fragments but had been singing in my mind ever since.”

Those sea foam eyes have stolen her thoughts ever since she was caught in their gaze. A month after she had met Gaara, Miomomo found herself wondering about him; how did he become so cold? But then: couldn't hardship and misfortune make anyone indifferent to the world? Although she has experienced her own adversity and struggles, she has never let it influence or shape her as a person. But people we’re like rocks in a river: after a while the current will change you, shape you, and wear you down. She thought of her father; the current eroded his resolve, even his happiness. Sighing, she decided to get out of her own thoughts, and back to reality.

Her light blue kimono brought a brightness to the atmosphere around her.  Everyone was distressed and on edge because it was the second round of the preliminaries. Kakashi told her that two of his students passed to the next round, and asked her for a second time if she wanted to meet them, but she refused. Although she said she wouldn’t because she felt like she was replaced, she decided to go. Miomomo made her way to Kakashi’s team rendezvous spot. A veil of smoke appeared beside her, and Kakashi was there amongst it with that same orange book.

“I wonder where you’re off to.”

“Nowhere special…” She said cryptically.

“Looks like you changed you mind.”

“Maybe I did.”

“I saw you looking at that Gaara kid from the sand village.” Her eyes widened and she stopped walking. She tried to wrack her brain to see if she overlooked him by accident, but she drew blanks. Her eyebrows furrowed and she squinted suspiciously at Kakashi.

“Are you following me Kakashi-sensei? I thought I felt like someone was watching me.” He let out a quiet chuckle through his mask.

“Actually, I was on my way to the chunin exams.” He started walking again, and Miomomo followed suit. “And besides, if I was following you, you wouldn’t know.” She let out a laugh at that.

“I think your crude orange book would give you away.”

“You’re probably right.”

“How does it feel to be betrayed by the very thing you love?” She made a quick glance towards him, but he was gone; the smoke was the only indication that he was there.

She watched from the trees as Kakashi made his way to his team; judging by the looks on their faces, he was early. Smirking to herself she pulled out a kunai and aimed it for him. Pulling her raised arm back, she hurled the kunai straight for his head, but Kakashi simply moved his head out the way. His students were startled, and started looking around for the source. To amuse herself further, she teleported to a different tree and threw another. Kakashi dodged that one too.

“What’s going on?” Sakura questioned, looking around. Miomomo jumped down from her perch gracefully, and revealed herself. The trio faced her and got in offensive positions.

“Who are you?” Sasuke interrogated.

“Were you trying to kill me, Miomomo?” Kakashi asked her.

“If I was trying to kill you, you would be dead.”

“Still cocky, I see.” He laughed. Naruto squinted his eyes at her.

“Mio-chan!” He yelled.

“What, you guys know her?” Sakura asked.

“Miomomo is an old friend of mine.” Sakura looked her up and down.

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