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I love this chapter even if I'm the one who made it myself. I hope ya'll would like this chapter too !!!

Emma's POV

I opened the door to see Austin dressed so casual. He wore a black jacket with a denim shoes and a white shirt with blue jeans.

" Someone looks pretty tonight. " he said staring at me.

"I feel like I'm overdressed. " he shook his head and led me to his car. He started the engine and started driving.

" So, where are we going ? " I asked still curious.

" You'll see. " he replied making me more curious.

He continued driving and stopped in the middle of nowhere. He got off and went to my side to open the door. I stepped down. He went to the trunk of his car and I followed him. He took out a picnic basket and led me to somewhere in the woods. We stopped at the edge. He laid down a picnic basket while I enjoy the view.

After Austin finished preparing, I sat on the blanket with my hands behind me supporting my body while I stared at the sky.

" I love the stars. I used to stargaze with my mom back home in New York. She would bring me to the woods and we would enjoy moments of silence while staring at the stars. " I said to Austin.

" Glad you liked it. Just don't tell anyone about this place okay ? It's my secret place where no one can find me. "

" Okay. "

" Pinky promise ? " he held out his pinky. I intertwine it together. He pulled close by my pinky. Our face was only centimetres apart. He then shove a sandwich to my mouth and released me. I ate the sandwich.

After we finished eating. Austin stood up and walked closer to the edge. I followed him and stood beside him. He looked at me as I stared into his eyes. He started leaning in but this time, I didn't mind. He stopped and our forehead touched.

" You're so pretty. " he said. I blushed a little and everything was quiet. He leaned closer and closer until our lips touched. I putted my arms around his neck and deepen the kiss. He slithered his arms around my waist.

We finally pulled away. We smiled at each other and looked at my watch. Oh shit ! It's already 9:00 ! I packed the picnic stuff and pulled Austin with me.

After we reached the car, Austin looked at me confused.

" What's wrong ? " he asked as we got in the car.

" I have a curfew and it's in 10:00 ! I have to go home now. " I said trying to calm myself down. He sped up and reached my house in no time.

I walked to my house and stood in the porch of my house, I turned around to see Austin still walking to me. He stepped in front of me and held my hand. He leaned towards my ear and whispered.

" Love you. Goodnight. " I smiled. He faced me and peck my lips. He smiled back and went to his car to go home. I opened my door to see my pregnant mom, brother and father in the living room staring at me.

" So..... What happened ? " mom asked curiously. I laughed and sat on the chair to tell them everything except for where we went, I told them he brought me to the park.

We went back to our rooms and August sat beside my on my bed.

" So, where are you taking Belle tomorrow ? " I asked.

Hope ya'll like this chap !
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