It's Coming

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I woke up the next morning and Becks wasn't there

"Becky", I whined and heard a giggle

"He'll be busy all day", I heard Tiffany say and I pouted

"Where is he?", I asked sitting up and stretching

"He's in the office having some big meeting", she answered watching TV. I yawned and shuffled to the bathroom. I washed, unbraided my hair leaving it out and curly. I slipped on a blue floral dress and put on red lipstick

I think you're obsessed with red, Lily spoke and I shrugged

Well your fur is red, why are you complaining? I asked

I was never complaining, she said and I rolled my eyes

"Where are you going?", Tiff asked as I walked the door

"To the meeting", I said quickly and before she could jump off the bed, I ran out the room and quietly went into Becks' office. A bunch of eyes staring back at me, one of them were Becks

"Uh this is my mate, Luna Haley", Becks announced walking to my side and wrapped his arm around my waist. They all raised and bowed

"What are you doing here?", he asked lowly

"I'm here for the meeting", I answered and his jaw clenched "You didn't think I wouldn't find out about the war?"

"I- uh", he bit his lip nervously

"Why don't we continue", I spoke to everyone and pulled a seat next to Becks seat. Becks sat and gestured a man to continue.

I knew Becks didn't want me here, I could tell by the way his jaw clenched and his hand was in a fist. He was also guilty, for not telling me about this war. He sat there listening, his index rubbing his bottom lip. I placed my hand over his and all the tension in his hand went away.

So far, I found you that this rogue named Silver is targeting our pack. He and his rogues are going to arrive unexpectedly. For what I heard, Silver is the most dangerous, darkest rogue to every live. He killed his mother and father and took off. Creating his own packs and killing anyone in his way

"We'll start training tomorrow morning, I want all my men ready when Silver comes", He ordered in his Alpha voice that made me shiver

"Yes Alpha", Victor replied with a slight bow of his head

"Well, if that's all the information I need to know then I assume this meeting is over", he commented and everyone stood. They shook hands and left

"Victor would you give moment please", he said to Victor, he nodded and left "how did you know about the war?"

"I heard your thoughts last night", I answered, he stood and walked over to big window behind his desk "why didn't you tell me?"

"Because I knew you would want to fight", he crossed his arms and I could see his muscles in his back

He's so hot, Lily whined and I blushed

Now is not the time, I snapped at her

"This is my pack too Becks and I want to protect it", I commented walked behind him. I could see his reflection in the glass. His index finger rubbing against his bottom lip again, lips in a thin line, eyebrows down, and jaw clenched. He was really conflicted about this Silver guy

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