Stay With Me?!

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Becks' POV

It's been one month, three days, two hours, four minutes, and twenty two seconds since I last seen and touched Haley. I moved up as Alpha of the pack and Victor is my Beta, but the pack isn't anything without it's Luna. I hardly slept and ate. I need her, I needed Haley. I needed her body next to mine, I wanted to kiss those bruises that I caused away. I wanted to smell her scent, her scent is like nothing I ever smelled. I'd rather have her in this house ignoring me than have her so far away

"Alpha?", someone called "Alpha!". I looked up at Victor

"Yeah, what's up?", I sighed and he sighed

"Still thinking about her?", he sighed and I nodded "same". I hated this! I need her!

Then go after her you idiot! My wolf growled. I got up a ran downstairs and started taking off my pants and shirt

"Where are you going?", Victor yelled coming downstairs after me

"To go get my Luna!", I answered putting the clothes in my mouth, shifting and running into the woods.

Haley's POV

It's a month and no sign from him. I can feel my wolf crying and whining on the inside. I hated to admit it, but I need him and my wolf needed him. I was downstairs sitting on the couch with Tiffany, watching TV. My dad was with David and Brad. Our moms were talking and laughing in the backyard. I heard Becks got moved to Alpha and Victor moved to Beta... Good for them

"Is it supposed to hurt like this?", Tiffany asked laying her head on my shoulder

"Unfortunately, yes", I answered frowning and suddenly we started crying. This was how most of our days went for the past two weeks. I hardly slept, even sleeping pills couldn't let me sleep. I mostly ate junk food and yogurt. I kept imagining the last day I saw Becks. I remembered how he kissed my back and smiled I loved when he did that...

Suddenly the doorbell rung. Tiffany and I got up and answered the door

"Haley", Becks whispered smiling. He took my face in his hands and kissed all over my face, except my lips. We backed up against the stair railings leaving Tiff and Victor alone. They way he said my name... His kisses... He stopped and looked at me

"Becks", I whispered and he sighed

"I did some stupid shit, stupid mistakes and one of them was bullying you", he said leaning his head against mine "I can't sleep, eat, or focus on anything without you. I hate suffering". He let go, got on his knees, and bowed his head

"Haley, I'm sorry, truly and deeply sorry", he said looking up at me "you can hate me as long as you want, I just can't be this far away from you, come live with me?". I blinked few time come live with him?

Answer the question and stop daydreaming! My wolf growled

"You can have your own room and decorate it the way you want", he explained "I want to start over Haley, I want you to forgive me, like me, and then.... Maybe love me?". I blushed and helped him up

"You serious?", I questioned

"I'm dead serious", he whispered and I nodded "you'll stay with me?"

"Will Tiff be living with us?", I looked at Tiff, who was looking me

"Of course, anything for you", Becks said smiling

"Then yes, I'll move in", I answered. He kissed me all of my face and I giggled

Finally, there's peace, my wolf said smiling.

That day, I packed my things and Becks helped me load them into the truck

"Gonna miss you sweetie", my mom said hugging

"Don't screw it up!", my dad growled to Becks

"I wasn't planning to Mr. Hart", he replied seriously and shook his hand "and I'll have someone return your truck later on today"

"Same goes for you Victor, I'll be watching you", Tiff's dad warned and Victor nodded. We hopped in the truck, we sat in the back and guys sat in the front. We waved at our parents we drove away

Will this be a good idea? I heard Tiffany asked

Gotta take a leap of faith right? We'll be fine Tiff, I replied hugging her and stroking her hair.


"Haley! Tiffany!", we heard little voices yell, we turned from the car and saw Jane, Orion, and Oscar

"Hi my babies!", we both squealed. Tiffany has grown a relationship with them too, but it didn't surprise me. Who only loves one twin but not the other? We crouched down for their hugs and they giggled as we squeezed and kissed them. After we unloaded the bags into the house

"I've never seen this house before", I said walking inside

"It's ours, just finished it three days ago", Becks answered setting ours?

"It's pretty ain't it!", she took me and Tiffany's hand, and took us to the kitchen "look! I painted the purple flowers, Orion painted the yellow stars, and Oscar painted the orange butterflies". We looked around the kitchen, it was beautiful and simple. The walls were sky blue covered with the art that the kids did

"It's beautiful", I whispered to the kids and my eyes start to water

"Thank you", Tiffany added ruffling Oscar's hair and he giggled

"Do you want to play?", they asked smiling

Can we sleep first? Tiffany asked and I nodded

"We're gonna sleep and then we'll play, okay?", I suggested, they nodded and ran outside, leaving us and the boys alone

"So to the bedrooms", Becks mumbled going upstairs and we followed them. Our rooms were across from each other, one bathroom that connected the two rooms, and one closet to connected the two rooms.

Becks led me to my room, set my bags down, and leaned against the wall with his hands in his pockets. I looked around, looked though the bathroom, and saw Tiffany. She waved and I waved back

"You're good with this?", Becks asked and I jumped at his voice an old habit... "Sorry"

"I-it's okay, um it's nice, thank you", I answered rubbing my arm

"Well, I guess, I'll let you sleep", he whispered then opened the door and left. I took off my pants, then shoes, and crawled into the bed.

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