None of Them....

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I woke up at 4 in the afternoon to someone jumping on my bed

"Guess what today is?!", Tiffany squealed jumping up and down

"If you don't stop jumping, today will be the day of your funeral", I hissed glaring at her through my messy red hair

"Fine, grumpy", she said and sat next to me. She was still dressed in her pj's and her hair was all crazy. I smiled and ruffled her hair

"Today is the day we supposedly find our mates", I sighed and she made a straight face at me "it is also our birthday". She smile and kissed me cheek

"Come on grumpy! I smell mom cooking lunch!", she squealed- she's so excited. I didn't mind the fact that she called my mom, her mom and I did the same. Tiffany ran downstairs and I sat on the railing and slide down

"I told to stop doing that, I don't want you to get hurt on your birthday", my mom said smoothing her hair "come on, have a snack before you get ready for the party". We walked into the kitchen and saw Tiff's mom decorating cookies. She wore a pink pearl colored, strapless, silver heel, and her hair was perfectly combed to the side. She wore a cooking apron

"Lookin nice mom", Tiffany said and her mom smiled

"Thank you and I hope to say the same for you, when you get ready because everyone is going to be here in two hours", she replied and we nodded

"Good thing I'm not that hungry", I commented as I took a yogurt from the fridge "want one?". Tiffany nodded and I tossed her one

"Where's dad?", Tiffany asked and my mom pointing to the backyard

"Setting up in the back", she answered and suddenly the doorbell rang "well, they're a little early". My mom went to the door, Tiffany and I went halfway up the stairs, and waited to see who it was

"Alpha, Luna!", my mom greeted "and Jane, come in please"

"Sorry for coming early, but we wanted to help out and Jane was anxious to see Haley", Luna said as they came and we hurried came up the stairs

"We should get ready", Tiffany said locking the bedroom door "we can't let the Alpha and Luna see us like this!". I walked over to her and placed my hands on her shoulder

"Relax and go take a bath, I'll take the shower", I said calmly and we walked to the bathroom "besides they're pretty awesome people, they'll love you". I stepped in the shower and Tiff relaxed in the tube, just a few feet away

"Did you see how they dressed? So elegant", she turned to look at me, although the shower curtain was cover me "they looked perfect in all white". I couldn't agree more, they definitely had the Alpha and Luna look.

Luna had on a white strapless dress that fit her curves perfectly, her hair swept to one side like Tiffany's mom, black eyeliner that brought out her beautiful eyes and shiny diamonds on her ears, neck, wrist, and her finger. Alpha had white tuxedo, black dress pants, black shoes, black bowtie, and his hair was sorta combed back. Jane was beautiful, her hair was in a bun, her bang was swept to the side. She wore a cream colored dress and the collar was beaded with pearls and cream colored flats.

After my shower, me and Tiff brushed our teeth and blow dried our hair. Tiff brushed my hair as I put on my dress and I did the same to her. Tiffany choose a emerald green, silk, one shoulder gown. After zipping each other's dresses, we both put on our heels and did our hair it's so good to have four hands

"Ladies", we heard my mom called and Tiffany unlocked the door and I started to put her hair in a tight bun

"Ow! Not too tight!", she whined and I sighed

My Bully is My Mate (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now