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The next morning, I woke up extra early and Becks was in the shower. I sat up and stretched. I went into the bathroom and looked in the shower. There he was, Becks in all his glory. He had his head down and eyes closed, he must be thinking. I knew this was hard for him to let me into the war, but he had to trust me and have faith that it'll turn out okay. I stripped out all my clothes and stepped in. Becks looked up, not alarmed by my presence and I wrapped my arms around him

"We'll get through this Hun", I whispered and felt his head on top of mine

"I just don't want anything to happen to you, I can't lose you again baby", he whispered back "you don't know how crazy I acted when you and Jane were kidnapped". I nodded and held him tighter. He wrapped an arm around my waist and the other on my back.

I looked up at him and seen all the emotions go through his eyes

"Nothing will happen to me, I'll have you and the pack", I spoke reassuringly and planted a kiss on his lips. He pulled me closer and deepened the kiss. I don't know, but my soft kiss turned into a full on make out session. He had me against the wall, kissing me roughly and squeezing my butt in his hands

"There's nothing I can do to make you not fight", he mumbled and I shook my head as my fingers ran through his hair "you sure? I mean I can do this". He slipped two of his fingers inside me and I gasped

"Still want to fight?", he asked stopping and I whined

Don't give in Hal, Lily ordered and I nodded

"Yes", I answered looking at him and saw his eyes had turned to silver. So that's how it is huh? So I let out Lily

This is gonna be fun, she whispered smiling insanely.

Lily's POV

I pushed Xavier against the wall and pressed my lips against his, kissing him hungrily

"If you think that you are threatening me with sex, you sadly mistaken", I whispered pressing my self against him "I always get what I want". Xavier raised his eyebrow and smiled

"Not this time love", he growled back and I smiled challenge accepted. I pressed myself against him even more and brushed my lips against his. He growled and I smiled. I kissed the tip of his nose then moved to his cheek and jaw. I trail down his neck, sucking and biting. I sucked his collarbone and he moaned that is so hot!

"Oh my, does my Alpha have a sweet stop?", I asked looking up at him, he was blushing. I bit down and he grabbed on my thighs lifting me to his height. I squealed and held on to his shoulders for balance. He pressed his lips against mine and pushed inside of me

"Shit", I moaned and he tighten his hands on my thighs

"Never touch that spot", he growled biting my bottom lip and I smiled. So that is his sweet spot. I brushed my fingers against his collarbone and he growled, thrusting into me. He pinned me against the wall and bit down on my mark

"Fuck!", I moaned louder and held onto his back "Xavier!"

"Are you going to trust me and not fight in the war?", he asked kissing my neck and shook my head

"You can't change my mind", I whispered wrapping my legs around him and smiled "so deal with it Alpha". He leaned his head against mine and sighed

"What am I going to do with you?", he asked smiling and I giggled

My Bully is My Mate (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now