Surprise!! O(≧∇≦)O

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It's been a week already and now we have six days left. It's been amazing with Becks. I love being here alone, it's been perfectly quiet and calm. We played games, swam in the beach, and made a sand castle. It feels like we're little kids with absolutely no worries at all. Becks looks so peaceful and sweet, I wish I can keep him that way, but he'll have to go back to Alpha mode sometimes.

I woke up with the worst headache and stomach ache. I throw my legs over the bed and put my slippers on

"Becky!", I yelled and the house echoed as I looked around for him

"I'm in the kitchen baby", he called and I went to the kitchen. I walked slowly holding my stomach and the wall

"I feel like crap", I whined stepping into the kitchen and Becks gave a small chuckle. He was only in his boxers, cooking breakfast. His black messy hair and beautiful eyes that brightened when the sun shined on them. He sniffed the air for a moment, looked at me, and froze

"What?", I asked and he just stared at me

"Come here", he finally spoke and did what he said. He lifted me up and placed me on the counter. He sniffed me and smiled brightly

"What?", I asked looking at him worried

"Baby, you're pregnant", he whispered and I froze

Boom! F bomb, Lily laughed

Hush! I growled. I sat there for a moment, processing what Becks just said. He looked at me with a uncontrollable smile and waited for my response. I looked down at my tummy and placed my hand over it.

"How do you know?", I asked

"After we mated, our scents mix, but now you have another scent added", he explains and pointed to my tummy "the baby's scent". I felt so light headed, I feel like I was gonna pass out

"How about you go lay down in the living room and I'll bring you breakfast?", he suggested and I nodded. He helped me to the couch in the living room. I laid on the couch watching TV and rubbing my tummy

The baby is only a few days old.... What the hell are you rubbing?! Lily asked and I rolled my eyes

I do this when my stomach hurts! You know this, now shush! I answered taking a deep breath. After a few minutes, Becks came in with breakfast

"Is it normal for me to hurt the much?", I asked eating slowly

"Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't", he answered with a shrug, he was still smiling like a lunatic

"You look crazy", I commented pinching one of his cheeks "calm yourself"

"I'm too excited, we should have a boy", he replied almost sounding like he was demanding it

"I'm pretty sure pregnancy doesn't work like that", I commented and giggled

"True, but I'm hoping", he murmured still smiling. I laid with my feet on Becks' lap, eating and watching TV. Becks ate slowly and pretend to watch TV, but I knew he was looking at me

"What do you want to do today?", he asked and I thought

"Walking", I answered and raised his eyebrow

"Walking?", he questioned and I nodded "okay"

Tiffany's POV

"Morning babe", I heard Victor yawned as he came into the kitchen

"Uh morning Vicky", I said nervously and set breakfast on the table. I went back to the stove, but Victor grabbed wrist

"You okay? you've been a little quiet for the last two days", he asked pulling me to him "what's wrong?". I didn't know how to tell him... I didn't know how he would react.

"Sit", I whispered and he did "um, I'm..."

"What Tiffy? Just tell me", he spoke softly and I nodded. I took both his hands in mine and put them on my stomach. He paused for a moment then looked up at me

"Really?", he asked and I nodded "like seriously seriously?". I laughed and nodded

"That's why you were acting all weird", he said "did you expect me to be upset?"

"I-I don't know, but don't you think we too young?", I sighed and he nodded

"Come here", he whispered and he helped me sit on his lap "Listen, this is sudden and this will probably change everything, but I know we'll be great parents". I smiled and nodded

I knew he wasn't gonna panic, my wolf said and I rolled my eyes. Even though, Victor said everything was gonna be fine.... I was worried. I didn't know a single thing about pregnancy or parenting. Well, at least I had nine months to learn... Oh god, what will my parents say? What will Haley say? My dad is gonna murder Victor...


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