Just Us

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I feel well rested. For the first time I feel.... I don't know.... At peace, I think. I woke up on the couch with a pair of strong arms wrapped around me. I looked up to see Becks staring back at me

"Morning", he whispered and my cheeks turned red

"Morning", I squealed and he smiled "what do we do today?"

"Let's go somewhere", he suggested and I raised my eyebrow

"Like where?", I asked and he shrugged

"I don't know, anywhere", he replied with another shrug "I wanna be alone with you". A quick thought of what the goddess showed popped into my head. Becks, our son, and I playing and laughing. Becks shook me a little and I snapped back to reality

"I wanna go somewhere with a beach", I commented and he frowned "what?"

"Aren't you tired of the summer we just had?", he asked and I shook my head

"I stuck in the house, because of my protective mate", I growled playfully  and he smiled jerk! "And I've never went to a beach"

"Are you serious?", he spoke in disbelief "my dad has a private beach and a beach house, we'll go there". I smiled brightly and he chuckled. Although, I told Becks that it was way too early, he didn't listen. He insisted that we leave after lunch time. We packed some luggage and set them aside

"Can we just leave tomorrow or in two days?", I asked, trying to reason with him "I just don't feel comfortable leaving so fast Becks". He hugged and kissed the top of my head

"Everything is fine now", he answered rocking back and forth "I really want some alone time with my mate"

"I know", I sighed and he frowned.


My mom and dad wanted to see me, so we whined up having lunch at their place with Becks family, Tiffany and Victor. We rolled up the driveway and got out. My mom ran over and hugged me tight

"Mommy? I can't breath", I grunted patting her on the back

"Sorry", she said letting go and placing a hand on my cheek "I was so worried"

"I'm fine mom", I spoke softly and she smiled

"She more than fine Mrs. Hart", Becks commented smiling

"Yes, your daughter is a fighter", Victoria added and stood beside my mom "then again I wasn't surprise, because her mother is the same". My mom smiled and hugged Victoria. We went inside and walked into the kitchen to see my dad cooking

"Well, you don't see this everyday", Tiffany joked as my dad cooked with an apron on. I learned cooking from my dad and mom, but mostly my dad. Since he's working and doing wolf stuff, my mom took over the kitchen. He turned around and smiled

"My baby girl", he spoke proudly and hugged me tight "I wanted to make the meal for today". We sat at the dining table and my mom and dad served the food

"This so amazing, what's in here?", Victoria asked and my dad smiled

"Family secret", my mom and dad answered and smiled at each other "so what have you two been up to?"

"We were thinking about leaving for a week or two", Becks replied and I nodded

"Where ya going?", mom asked

"Not telling you", I said and my mom pouted. We went on with our conversation and after about what seems two hours, we were done

"Dad, the food was delicious and I'll see you soon", I hugged dad and kissed his cheek

"Call us when you get there", my mom sighed as she hugged me

"Mom I'll be fine, besides I can't take my phone where we're going", I spoke with a reassuring smile and she nodded. Tiff and Victor drove with us in the car to the airport. My leg was shaking nervously, because I've never been on a plane.

"You okay, you look pale?", Becks asked taking my hand

"I've never been on a plane", I answered and he looked shocked

"Well it'll be a private jet, so if you throw up only I can see", he joked as we pulled up to the airport "don't worry, just breathe baby". We got out the car and unpacked our luggage

"I'm gonna miss you Hals", Tiffany spoke hugging me and I smiled

"Gonna miss you too, take care of the pack for me", I said letting go

"Will do", she replied "take care of my sister Becky"

"Of course", Becks laughed "same to you Victor"

"Of course Alpha", he replied with a salute. We grabbed our bags and walked into the airport, looking for our gate and flight time. Since we were taking a jet, it was already ready. We boarded and put out bags up.

"Just breathe baby", Becks spoke holding my hand as we sat "and don't look out the window"

"No, it's okay", I said looking at him and he tucked a strain of my hair. I leaned my head back and looked out the window as we went up in the air. If Becks wasn't here, I would probably have a heart attack. He sat close, stroking my palm with his thumb which was calming. The sky was beautiful and bright, almost blinding me. I looked back at Becks, who was already staring at me

"You look sleepy", he whispered and I smiled "lean on me". I leaned my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes.


A few hours later, we landed in Rio De Janeiro. We drove to a port, where a boat waited for us and that took us to our little island. I'm pretty there was no reception, so it was way too late to call mom. I ran up to the beach, ignoring the beach house completely

(A/n: Yes, this is exactly like Twilight. How unoriginal of me)

"We're here", I heard Becks say after he set the luggage in the house. I jumped on him and he caught me

"You can take me anywhere and I would've been happy, all I need is you by my side", I answered smiling and he blushed

"That you can guarantee baby", he whispered and pinched my butt "so what first? Beach?". I shook my head and he looked confused

"I want to do something else", I spoke playing with his shirt and he smiled

"Really?", he raised his eyebrow and I nodded "show me"

"Show me the bedroom", I whispered smiling and he carried me inside.


We laid breathless and sweaty. The sheets everywhere and pillows on the floor. My head and hand on Becks' back. His arm draped over my hip. I ran my fingers over his beautifully sculpted back, admiring the scratches I gave him.

"I love you Becky", I whispered and I could tell he was smiling

"I'll never get tired of hearing that", he whispered back "I love you too Haley". I smiled and kissed his back.

It's gonna be just us for two weeks and I'm already enjoying it.

My Bully is My Mate (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now