Chapter 6

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"You haven't been here for a day, and you're already going to ask for days off?" Sandor asked with his arms crossed.


"I heard your entire conversation." Sandor interrupted. That's not creepy at all.

Grady stepped into the room, "That is very irresponsible of you, your priorities should be Sophie." he said.

"I couldn't flat out tell my cousin that I'm not coming-"

"Why not?" Grady interrupted.

"I'm sure your job, very important job, is more important then a party, or get together."

"Try funeral." I said coldly.

Grady and Sandor were at a loss for words, when I heard Edaline's soft footsteps make their way toward the room we were standing in. 

"Are any of you hungry? I made some Blitzenberry Muffins, and I'm sure that the gnomes will be happy to make something else." she said softly. 

"If you don't mind I would like to try one." I said quietly, still trying to push down all the memories of my friends. 

"Of course, come right this way." Edaline said with a smile, there was no trace of her hearing the conversation that had just occurred but I knew better.

"Thanks." I said using a form of mist to shroud what we were saying.

"It's not a problem, Grady just takes Sophie's safety extremely seriously and Sandor..." Edaline trailed off.

"I would be upset in his position too. To everyone I am just a kid, and it is probably giving him a bad name." I said with a sigh. I followed closely behind Edaline brushing my  hand across the wall that seemed to be made out of pure gold, I get why the Elves didn't help us but there are just as many good people as there are bad. Unfortunately our leaders all seem to be corrupt. 

"I'm sure you'll do just fine." Edaline said after a moment, she is a good liar but I didn't have to try to see that she was wary of me. 

"It's okay to admit that you don't trust me yet, I am the same age as Sophie but my kind tend to have a much more... harsh upbringing." I said with a bitter smile. 

Edaline pushed open the doors to the kitchen and I dropped the mist as I stepped inside. The kitchen was just as extravagant as the rest of the house, and of course, it had food. The smell of the muffins hit me like a ton of bricks, they almost smelled as good as my moms cookies. Almost. 

I grabbed one off the counter and took a bite, it tasted like pop rocks except with real berries and it melted in my mouth. "Oh my gods, this is one of the best things I have ever tasted." I said with a grin. 

"Well, I'm glad you like it." Edaline said with an equally large smile.

I sat down on a wooden chair that seemed way too comfortable seeing as it was made out of wood, but I'm not going to complain. Grady and Sandor shuffled into the kitchen moments later, both looking mildly guilty but justified their behavior as trying to protect Sophie.

Grady made a beeline toward the muffins but just as he reached for it Edaline snapped and the plate appeared in her hand.

"Trippy." I remarked.

Edaline gave Grady a pointed look, "Sorry for what we said earlier." Grady said sheepishly, Sandor nodded along but still didn't say anything.

"It's fine, you were just worried for Sophie's safety. She's lucky to have you guys." I said.  Edaline returned the muffins to the table and Grady happily bit in.

Persephone Jackson and the Lost Cities (Fem! Percy Jackson x KOTLC) ON HAITUSWhere stories live. Discover now