Chapter 8

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Sorry I haven't updated in a while, school has been hectic lately. I decided to do a short chapter just so I could post something. (Unedited btw.)

In the days after Sophie healed Alden's mind the people watching haven't left, in fact, more have arrived carefully weaving through the shadows. Every time I tried to slip away for a moment to check it out it seemed like they were long gone. It was becoming increasingly clear that if I was going to catch any of these people I was going to need help.

"Sandor." I asked quickly putting up a sound barrier so that no one could hear what we were saying.


"There are people watching us."

"What?" Sandor growled.

I quickly explained the situation and Sandor's frown slowly got deeper and deeper until it seemed impossible for him to frown any more.

"I need to get to Sophie immediately, and inform them of this." Sandor said, quickly walking toward the kitchen where all of the Ruewen's were eating lunch. 

"No." I said stopping him from leaving the room.

"No? What do you mean no?" Sandor said angrily.

"I have a plan to catch them but for that to work I'm going to need Sophie to stay here incase they have some sort of tracker on her."

"And put Sophie in more danger?" Sandor asked. "Our priority is to make-"

"To make sure Sophie is safe." I interrupted, "But they will keep switching tactics, and come up with plans more and more effective plans until they succeed." 

"You can't win when you only play defense, only prolong your defeat." I finished with one last poetic, and hopefully convincing line.

Sandor thought about it for a moment.

"Before I agree to this, what is your plan?"

I smiled, that wasn't too hard was it?

I slowly explained the plan and Sandor nodded along asking questions here and there. 

"But... wouldn't that put you in danger?" Sandor asked as we walked out the door.

"Comes with the territory dude."


"Aweeee, is Sandor worrying about me?" I said in a baby voice.

Sandor sighed and rubbed his temples, "Even in the most dire situations you still manage to make a joke."

"It's one of my amazing traits." I said.

We arrived in the kitchen where the Ruewen family was sitting around the table.

Sandor coughed to get their attention, though it sounded more like a mouse squeaking. Everyone turned to us and one thing became painfully clear. Sandor is terrible at acting, and he has no idea what to say right now.

"I sensed some things running around the property, it's probably nothing but just in case I'm going to go take a look. In the meantime can you go upstairs? It will be easier to make sure nothing happens to any of you up there." I said. Sandor gave me a strange look, probably wondering why I told them part of what was going on.

"Of course!" Edaline said grabbing her plate and gesturing for Sophie and Grady to do the same. 

Sophie looked at me skeptically, no doubt detecting the half baked truth that I gave her. But I will just have to fill her in later.

Sandor's POV Bet you weren't expecting that lol.

"I'm going to make an illusion that makes it look like Sophie is walking out on the field, then when they go for her I will be waiting. You need to take everyone upstairs because that is the and to the furthest room, there are no windows there and I want you guys to stay hidden as long as possible." Percy said. 

She never failed to amuse me, the plan was filled with holes and lacked common sense. I tried asking her, why everyone couldn't  stay hidden for a while and she brushed me off, continuing with the minor details of her plan.

Nevertheless, she is powerful and though she might not look it, extremely smart too. I will trust her judgement this once to see how it goes.

We reached the stop of the stairs and I led the group to the farthest room, which  happened to be Grady's office. Grady, Edaline, and Sophie sat in the chairs whereas I opted to stand by the windows. I could already see Sophie's illusion walking outside and the Ruewen's spotting her would only make things worse.

"What are you looking at?" Grady asked.

"Just watching over her, seeing if I can see anyone." I lied easily.

"Well, it's not very smart of her to walk around there on foot. Anyone can see her coming, plus you can see more from up here." Sophie said. I still don't get why she hates Percy so much, but I guess it is just a childish grudge or something of that sort.

"No, Percy has ways of concealing herself so that if there is someone there, they will  never know she is coming. Also it would make sense that anyone watching you would  take measures to keep themselves hidden so they don't get spotted from the top floors." I stated. Sophie stared down at the floor, trying to find holes in my argument. 

She eventually gave up and decided to walk over to the window.

"Let me see." Sophie demanded.

"You can't actually see her." I said shaking my head.

"You just said you were watching over her. How can you do that if you can't see her?" Sophie asked. Now Grady and Edaline also wore uneasy expressions.

"Sandor... What are you hiding?" Grady asked.

I saw his eye's flash momentarily, signaling that he would use his ability to make me move out of the way if I didn't on my own. 

I sighed and moved out of the way and Sophie gasped as soon as she saw what was outside.

"Is that... me?" Sophie asked.

"It is an illusion that Percy made. We partially lied to you in the dining hall." I admitted.

"But why?"  Grady asked.

"Percy said that she had a plan to catch them, and if it doesn't work I have a crystal to bring you to safety." I said holding up the home crystal that led to the Vacker residence. 

Sophie watched intently as the illusion of her stomped in the direction of the animals.

"I do not walk like that." Sophie mumbled.

"Oh when you are in a mood you do."

"I do not!" Sophie protested stomping over to Grady in the same manner that the illusion was. 

Grady simple raised his eyebrow and waited for Sophie to realize how contradicting her actions and words were. She didn't every piece it together because someone had come out of the forest to attack the fake Sophie.

The elf or half-blood was wearing a black hooded cloak and even though the window was open I couldn't smell, or hear them, they didn't even leave footprints behind. The only reason I knew they were there was because I could see them. 

Sophie's illusion started slowly backing away from the figure and the person followed mumbling incoherent words.

Right when the person lunged at Sophie, Percy jumped out of the shadows knocking out the person who attacked her. Percy's timing was impeccable but as soon as we started to celebrate more figures appeared. 

They were prepared for this. 

In a matter of moments Percy was caged by a Psionipath and the cloaked figures surrounded her. There was no way to get her help now.

Persephone Jackson and the Lost Cities (Fem! Percy Jackson x KOTLC) ON HAITUSWhere stories live. Discover now