Chapter Five

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A couple of weeks has passed since the opening of classes, and nothing much has happened. Theo would get his weekly letters from his parents, asking how he was, and he would write them. He would perform well in class, but he would try to hide at the back during Defense Against the Dark Arts as since his talk with Professor Ennis, he promised he would just blend in the crowd, rather than show off his abilities. During free time, he would practice his wandless magic and Legilimency with the Headmistress, as per the instructions of Remus and his parents with McGonagall to keep up his abilities. It was a normal first few weeks for him... well, that and add the fact that Theo has been hanging out with Nadia Scott a lot more than usual.

Since their first encounter to be seatmates – again – Nadia and Theo would often volunteer to be the "sacrifice" of the three best friends just to sit right next to each other. Other than Theo would help her with Ancient Runes, they started passing each other notes or even share a few sweets that they have. During free time – when Theo didn't have his lessons with McGonagall – he would hang out with Nadia and help her with her academics since she was struggling. It amazed him how they learned so much from each other even with a few weeks of having each other as company consistently. Of course, that caught the attention of his best friends and as well as his siblings (Romulus and Viktor would tease Theo but Sofia would be there to keep them in line).

But that wouldn't stop his brothers, and they – along with James and Fred – would always pop out of nowhere just to mess with him: the library, the Great Hall, and even the Black Lake. One time, while they were at the Black Lake, Theo teaching Nadia about their latest Defense Against the Dark Arts lesson, he saw his brothers and their friends appearing in their view making kissy faces; James and Romulus would mouth out "KISS HER", but just before Nadia could he, he waved his hand – muttering a spell as he did – and had the four best friends drop in the Black Lake for the Giant Squid.

"What was that?" Nadia asked when she heard the splash of water.

"Oh, just my brothers and their friends going for a swim," Theo chuckled as he watched them trying to get back to the surface but kept slipping on mud.

"I bet you never get bored with your family, huh."

"You could say that," Theo shrugged.

Along with his school life and social life, Theo also had his mind preoccupied with the news of attacks. There weren't any attacks recently and it bothered him – not that he wanted there to be any attacks, but because it was prolonging the agony of him trying to figure out if what he heard was connected to what he was hearing. If the attacks continued heading south, it wouldn't be long until they were at Hogwarts, and maybe he could be able to hear that voice again. But he wasn't the only one stressing with this as well. The Ministry is facing a bit of backlash from The Daily Prophet as critics of the new Ministry reform made by Minister of Magic Hermione Granger was the cause of such uprising: education reforms to make Muggle Studies as a core subject to help witches and wizards cope with Muggle culture and technology, the stop of using exploiting Muggles for magical events, such as, the World Cup and other events, removal of slavery of House-Elves by giving them pay, and then there was the anti-corruption movement where the Minister is arresting Ministry members who have been accepting bribes for special favors.

It was no secret that the Minister has created many enemies during her time, not as many as her predecessor, Minister Kingsley Shacklebot, but the fact that she is willing to continue his reform and push change for the Wizarding World of the United Kingdom is not something that everyone – especially those in power – are willing to do.

The day when Slytherin was to have its tryouts for its Quidditch team, Theo and Albus went out to the pitch to support Scorpius – who was defending his position for the team's Keeper. It surprised many of their classmates to find Scorpius playing Quidditch and actually being good at it – who knew that the school-romantic-rich-kid-dork would be good in sports! Sitting at the stands, Theo pulled out his copy of The Daily Prophet to read while they waited for the mock-game to happen.

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