Chapter Seven

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Hogsmeade weekend finally coming, and Theo was hoping to use this opportunity to ask Nadia to go out with him, and maybe he could finally take the "first step to actually make her realize that you like her" that his sister and brothers would tell him. He had it all planned out, he would approach her during Ancient Runes – at their usual spot – and then just ask, "would you like to go to Hogsmeade with me this weekend?" That simple. To his great fortune, the morning of their Ancient Runes class, Rose, Albus, and Scorpius told him that Nadia was sitting alone and lets urges him to sit with her. He managed to get to Nadia's table – making sure to get there before the other boy got there who was also had his idea – and then sat beside her with a casual greeting. The whole hour of the class, Theo was relieved to see that Nadia was the same as always. She would doodle at her book, talk to him, and even give out some sarcastic and witty remarks. At least that didn't change.

By the end of the lecture, just as Theo hoped they could talk alone, Nadia quickly grabbed her things to leave with her friends and the boy he saw the last time. But he wasn't going to let that happen.

"Nadia, can I talk to you for a second?" Theo asked.

Nadia turned to her friends and the boy and told them to go head. Once they were gone, Nadia went back to the table and stood before Theo, who was fidgeting at his place.

"Is there something wrong?" Nadia asked with a smile.

"Hogsmeade weekend is tomorrow, and I was wondering if you and I could go there together," Theo said.

Nadia's smile disappeared and her face turned to a deep shade of red. "Oh, I wasn't... I didn't think that... the thing I got plans –"

"It's alright, maybe another time?" He was very hopeful.

"The thing is, Theo, Townes already asked me," Nadia reluctantly said.

Theo frowned.

"I really am, sorry Theo, I didn't know that... you're a good guy – a good friend, you really are."

"It's fine," Theo forced a smile. "You should enjoy your trip tomorrow."

"Theo, I'm so sorry –"

Theo shook his head and kindly said, "you shouldn't apologize, it's no one's fault. Have a nice day, Nadia."

Nadia smiled sadly at Theo. "You too, Theo."

After Nadia left, Theo rejoined his friends who were there waiting for him by the door. Albus, Scorpius, and Rose offered him a smile and a couple of wand licorice, and he accepted those gifts. As they walked down the corridor with the view of Nadia walking beside Townes, Theo sighed and stuffed the whole licorice into his mouth.

"He's a Prefect, just so you know," Rose began. "They would have rounds together."

"Not really helping, Rose," Albus said.

"It's fine, Al," Theo said.

"You know, Theo, we still need another one to fill the table at The Three Broomsticks, want to be that guy?" Scorpius said with a smile.

Theo chuckled, "sure thing."

Albus, Scorpius, and Rose grinned when they saw him smile a genuine smile. Albus and Rose then wrapped an arm around him as they walked down the corridor to get to their next class.

The day went fine for Theo. After his failed attempt to ask out Nadia, Theo just busied himself with school work and friends, and also trying to figure out the motive of the attacker. Out of desperation – and because she was always around them now – they told Rose about what they've been doing for the months, and as usual, she was not pleased to see that Theo was hiding something like this.

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