Chapter Eighteen

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Following the event that was now called "The London Attack", the Minister of Magic addressed the issues that followed: first was the meeting with the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom where the Minister of Magic had a duty to inform the Prime Minister about the recent attack and about the Muggles involved with it, due to the fact that the Anti-Magic does not exist in the Muggle world, the two leaders agreed that it is best that the Minister of Magic would give the sentence to these Muggles (which would probably result to them having to Obliviate these Muggles before returning them to their Muggle-lives); second, was the announcement of Mister Harvey and Euphemia Rowle's motives, it was a huge scandal when the Ministry revealed that Harvey was part of this terrorist attack, which led to many witches and wizards questioning the Minister's Cabinet, this would lead to a reassigning of Cabinet Members for Hermione; third was the trials of Rowle's followers that were witches and wizards where they were given a life-sentence in Azkaban; and fourth was the biggest one of all, what were they going to do to Delphini Riddle.

Due to the fact that Delphini was not a registered witch at America, and because her crimes were at the United Kingdom, the MACUSA left her fate with the Ministry of Magic of the United Kingdom, and wanted no part in the issue. Since her capture, Delphini was placed in an enchanted cell that was designed by Theodore to hold an Obscurus, and by the insistence of Carina and Theo, Delphini was given a room with windows where she could look outside, a nice bed, a chair, a table, and books that she could read, she was also given new clothes and a few toys since she was still a child in heart and mind. She would be visited by Theodore as Carina and Theo were still not released from St. Mungo's and would simply talk to her, and it was often about how Carina and Theo were. Since the attack, she has not shown any sign of threat and was very calm.

The people wanted justice for what happened in the magical communities in Scotland, they demanded that she be sent to Azkaban with a life-sentence as well as she was of age, but knowing Delphini's case, her body may be of an eighteen-year-old but her mind was still of a child, and there was a possibility that it could lead to her Obscurus creating chaos somewhere or could lead to her death. Because of this issue, Hermione was being pressured by her Cabinet and the Wizengamot to put the child in Azkaban, but she was firm with her promise to Carina, Theo, and Theodore that Delphini would not be sent to that prison.

While the Ministry was facing so much trouble, Carina and Theo were slowly recovering in St. Mungo's. The whole time, Theodore stayed with his wife and son, taking a leave of absence from the reserve and leaving Matthias Kholer to look after it. Carina and Theo would write to Delphini and ask Theodore to give it to her, and in return, Delphini would ask Theodore to write back to them and he was patient enough to do so while listening to her dictate what she wanted to tell to them. In those days spent in St. Mungo's, Sirius, Charity, Roman, the Lupins, Potters, Weasleys, and as well as Draco would visit them to see how they were. And they watched in amusement as Theodore took care of Carina, especially when the couple who laughed, mocked, and vomited to the idea of feeding each other were now forced to do so; with Carina's wrist still healing, she only had one hand to eat, to help her, Theodore would feed her which would often result to breakfast becoming brunch as Carina kept laughing when Theodore would hold the fork with the food cut to bites and hold it before her mouth.

"Carina, would you stop laughing!" Theodore told her.

"I'm sorry, it's just so funny!" Carina laughed.

"Only you would find this funny," Draco stated.

"My mother, ladies and gentlemen," Theo stated as he watched his parents while eating his own meal on his own at his own bed.

Of course, it was no surprise that Theo's face would appear at The Daily Prophet. Come morning, after the London Attack, Theo's face was seen at the front page with the headline of

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