Slow Burn (Bucky x Reader)

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Summary - Could something as simple as a s'more bring you and Bucky closer together?

Prompt - Toasted marshmallows


The sun was sinking low in the sky as your small caravan made its way towards a rustic cabin set far back from the main road near a small lake in upstate New York. With the world safe for the moment the resident Avengers had taken this opportunity to schedule some bonding time, away from the compound and the responsibilities that hung over everyone's head while they were there. It was about time too. You knew that the team needed to have some normalcy, something to remind them that even though they were enhanced and highly skilled they were still human. Well, most of them anyway.

You may not have been the one to come up with the idea but you were the one who had been tasked with organizing the trip. Finding and securing the location was the hardest part, after that you just made sure to pack some fun activities and special snacks to make sure that everyone had a good time. Your leg was bouncing like crazy from where you sat in the passenger seat and you kept craning your neck to get a better look.

"Calm down, (Y/N)," Steve teased from the driver's seat. "We're almost there."

"I can't help it," you whined, "I'm excited. And I want everything to be perfect for you guys. After all, you save the world on the regular, you deserve a few days away to relax."

"So do you, you know," you rolled your eyes as Steve went on, "I'm serious (Y/N), you might not be out there dodging bullets but you work just as hard as the rest of us. Promise me you'll try to have some fun while we're here?"

"Okaaaaay, dad..." Steve chuckled as you slumped in your seat, only to perk right back up when the cabin came into view. You breathed a sigh of relief, noting that it looked even more picturesque than it did online. Steve pulled into the driveway leaving plenty of room for Clint and Bruce to park behind you then put his new old VW Bug into park, smirking as he glanced in the rearview mirror.

"You got a picture of that, right?" Steve said, nodding toward the scene in the backseat.

"Are you kidding? Those two were on Snapchat the instant they started snoring." You turned to take in the scene behind you, Bucky with his head thrown back, mouth open, while Sam is slumped over, drooling on the Winter Soldier's shoulder. "It's almost a shame to wake them up... almost." You waggled your eyebrows at Steve before the both of you suddenly and simultaneously hopped out of the car and slammed both the driver and passenger doors at the same time.

You almost forgot how to breathe for how hard you were laughing at what happened next. After a fair amount of pushing, shoving, and cursing the two men unfolded themselves from the back of the Bug, red-faced and grumbling under their breath.

"You okay there, Buck?" You wiped away a tear or two as you caught your breath. Bucky, still fuming, was slicking his hair back and scowling in Sam's direction. "Damn birdbrain, droolin' all over me..."

"C'mon Buck, don't be angry. We came here to have some fun, remember?" You laid a hand on his bicep which seemed to instantly defrost his icy demeanor and he returned your hopeful smile with a small one of his own. It always amazed you that you had this sort of effect on the stoic supersoldier. Maybe it was your determination to treat him no differently than the rest of the team, maybe it was the gift you had for bringing people out of their shells, heck maybe it was the copious amount of baked goods you created and had decided Bucky would have to be your official taste-tester for. Whatever it was it worked and had created a unique sort of bond between you and the brooding brunette.

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