20 Seconds (Bucky x Reader Modern AU)

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Summary - You walk out of a dressing room asking if the outfit suits you, but it's not your friend waiting outside the room like you thought!


Dressing rooms are the absolute worst. You'd lost count of how many you'd broken down and cried in over the years. Heck, you wouldn't even be in this one if Wanda wasn't having an engagement party in a couple weeks and you were stuck with nothing decent to wear. "The things I do for my best friend," you muttered under your breath as you shimmied into what had to be the tenth dress of the day only to realize you couldn't even bring the fabric together far enough to pull the zipper up.

Your quiet scream of frustration as you flung the dress onto the growing pile of discarded clothing was met with laughter and a knock at the door. "It can't be that bad sweetie." You cracked the door to see Wanda's cheeky grin and another armful of options.

"Wanna bet?" you sighed as you grabbed the next round out of her hands.

"I've got a good feeling about these!" She called out as you let the door swing shut. "And I actually wanna see some of them this time!"

Reluctantly you did as you were told and made an appearance with a few of the least offensive options. At least she didn't try to talk you into any of them, one of the things you loved about your best friend was that she was honest (but not brutally so) and that she truly wanted the best for you. You shook your head at the latest fail, "This is pointless Wan, maybe we should just call it a day..."

"Absolutely NOT! We are getting closer I swear, just a few more? For me...?" You couldn't help but smile at her ridiculous eye batting and over exaggerated pout.

"Alright, alright... you're lucky I love you, you know that?"

"Yup! Now get in there and get naked, we haven't got all day!" She turned you around and swatted your butt, ignoring your faux glare as you shut the dressing room door and resumed your seemingly endless battle.

Grabbing the next contender off its hanger you paused, instantly noticing a difference. The fabric was silky soft, practically caressing your hips as you pulled it up and slipped your arms through the straps effortlessly. Turning to look in the mirror your jaw literally dropped. Somehow this miracle dress accentuated the curves you loved while disguising the ones you loved less, the length was absolutely perfect, and the fabric draped over your chest just so as to make you feel sexy but also demure and not at all in danger of a wardrobe malfunction.

"Hey Wan? I think we might have a winner here," you called out as you opened the dressing room door, distractedly tucking the tag out of sight to get a better idea of the full effect.

"I'd be inclined to agree with you, doll." Said a voice that was definitely not your best friend. Nope, this voice was deep and smooth and the absolute opposite of how your perky redheaded bff sounded. Not to mention that this particular voice was coming out of the most gorgeous male specimen you had ever laid eyes on. "If you don't mind me sayin' so, the guy who gets to take you out in that is gonna be one lucky s.o.b."

Your brain was screaming at you to be cool but in reality the best you could do was an undignified squeak as his smirk just seemed to get wider causing the heat from your cheeks to quickly spread down your neck and onto your chest.

"If only there was a lucky s.o.b. In her life, but there isn't," Wanda stage whispered conspiratorially in the mystery man's direction as she appeared out of nowhere, taking your hand and giving you a twirl so she could examine you from all sides. Your chronic muteness persisted as Wanda let out a low whistle of approval, "Stop the presses, this is definitely THE one! See? I knew we shouldn't give up." She cupped your face affectionately and you couldn't help but smile back at her. "Now, you might have the dress but Cinderella can't go to the ball without shoes! I think I saw some that would be perfect with this. Be right back!" And before you could blink she was gone, leaving you alone again with bachelor number one.

Just as the awkward silence was on the verge of uncomfortable he spoke up. "So, ah.. if you don't mind me asking, what's the occasion?"

"Oh!" you squeaked, suddenly finding your voice. "I, um my friend just then, Wanda, best friend actually she– well it's her thing really. Engagement party, weekend after next. Wouldn't miss it for the world but I-I couldn't exactly show up dressed like the hermit I am on the regular so..." Your voice trailed off as you realized your awkward silence had just morphed into a rambling overshare. Clearing your throat your eyes darted around desperate to look at anything but him.

He stood slowly, stepping up behind you and catching your eye in the mirror. "I bet you could wear a potato sack and still be the loveliest gal in the joint." His sweet smile and sincere words were sending a flurry of butterflies loose in your stomach. "Hard to believe someone pretty as you would be going out looking like such a dish all alone..."

"You know, she doesn't have to since you just happen to be free that weekend," a tall muscular blonde interjects as he steps out of the dressing room next to yours and slaps your mystery man on the back before turning to introduce himself. "Hi there, I'm Steve."

"Seriously man?" the brunet muttered through clenched teeth as he shoved Steve's arm away.

"What? Like you were going to be doing anything that weekend other than watching Netflix on the couch covered in Cheeto dust?" Steve winked at you with a telling grin then headed toward the front to pay for his purchases. "Don't screw this up pal!" he called over his shoulder as he went.

"Ignore my idiot best friend. Sticks his nose into my business too often for his own good..." He was the one looking at the ground now, rubbing the back of his neck as he avoided your gaze.

"No worries, Wanda's exactly the same way." You quietly replied, nervously smoothing away nonexistent wrinkles in your skirt as that awkward silence from earlier returned. As it became more obvious that he wasn't going to say anything else you reluctantly eased towards your dressing room. "Well I'm um.. I should probably go change..."

At the door you paused, you could almost hear Wanda's voice in your head screaming at you to not let this one get away. Twenty seconds of insane courage, right? Taking a deep breath you turned, stopping just in front of where he sat with his head in his hands.

"You know, I really do hate going to these things alone..." His head snapped up, his brow adorably furrowed. "Better with two, yeah?" You smile shyly and twist your hands together nervously. He stands up slowly, carefully reaching out, taking your hands in his. You open your mouth with the intent to ask him to officially be your plus one when you suddenly realize what's missing and you can't help but erupt into a fit of giggles. "Here I am about to ask you out and I don't even know your name!"

He chuckles right along with you. "Maybe we should get introductions out of the way then, yeah? I'm James, but my friends call me Bucky." He raises your knuckles to his lips for a chaste kiss.

"Nice to meet you Bucky, my friends call me Y/N." Aaaand my blush is back. Dammit.

"Y/N... a beautiful name for a beautiful girl." Now he's smirking again. I am in so much trouble.

"You are quite the charmer, Bucky."

"Oh you haven't seen the half of it, doll."

Laughing you take a step back, "Okay.. so, I definitely have to change now. Be right back, don't you go disappearing on me."

He shakes his head, a mischievous smile on his lips. "Wouldn't dream of it."

You manage to wait until the dress is back on the hanger before you break out into an impromptu victory dance in the dressing room. Practically vibrating with excitement, for the first time in ages you consider a future full of happy possibilities.


Author's Note: Thank you for reading! This was an idea that exploded out of me after months of not writing and I'm so glad I did it. I look forward to your comments and if you liked this installment please consider voting, thank you!

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