Body Like a Backroad (Cowboy!Bucky x Plus-sized Reader Modern AU)

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Author's Note: I was inspired by the songs  Body Like a Backroad by Sam Hunt and LIttle Things by 1D  which I encourage you to listen to as you read (I originally wanted to work them into the fic but I couldn't find an organic way to do it). I also got quite a lot of inspiration from Seb's character Hal Carter from Picnic. Enjoy!


The night was winding down and you sighed as another slow song started playing. You loved to go dancing, especially line dancing, but this part of the night was always the worst. You watched as one by one each of your friends were asked to dance while you were passed over, yet again. You weren't picky, not really, and would probably have said yes to just about anyone. But that was the problem, no one was asking.

You were swirling the ice around in your drink, watching the couples on the dance floor, when you saw a familiar face out of the corner of your eye. You'd been catching glimpses of him on the dance floor and in the crowd all night. I mean, who wouldn't notice him. He was handsome in a rugged sort of way, the way you'd want a real cowboy to look. Like he'd been working outside all day long, tan with a bit of scruff, dressed in worn jeans and a dark plaid flannel, hair a little long and the sort of messy your fingers are just itching to run through.

He turned in the direction of your table, briefly catching your eye. You looked away suddenly, blushing at the realization that you had been staring, eyes growing wide as you heard him stop right next to you.

"Well hello there handsome," your very single and very beautiful friend Jess said, as she sat down at the table. "You looking for a dance partner?"

"Yes ma'am, I was just comin' over to ask the lovely lady for a dance."

You kept staring down at your drink until Jess elbowed you and you looked up to see the mysterious stranger extending his hand to you.

Completely caught off guard you stumbled over your words. "Wait, wha--  you, you mean me?"  

"That was the idea," he hesitated for a moment, "but if you're unavailable or not interested I understand..." You could see what you thought might be disappointment in his eyes as he began to withdraw his hand.

"No! I mean yes! I mean..." You took a deep breath and tried again. "I would love to." He smiled instantly as you took his hand and he led you onto the dance floor.

"I'm (Y/N) by the way," you say, looking up, forgetting how to breathe for a second as you realize how much more handsome he is this close up.

"I'm James. But my friends call me Bucky. Pleased to make your acquaintance, ma'am" He flashed you another smile for you to giddily tuck away in your memory banks.

Feeling bold you ask, "If you don't mind me asking, Bucky... why me? I'm pretty sure you could have had anyone you wanted in here as a partner in a heartbeat."

"Well," he said thoughtfully, "I've been on the lookout all night for someone who might know the two-step well enough without me having to teach it to them. I noticed you dancin' earlier and you definitely have the moves. Plus," he lowered his voice and leaned in "you were havin' so much fun all by yourself I wanted to see if I could share in the fun with you." He wrapped his arm around your waist and took your hand as the music started. You hoped he didn't see the blush rising to your cheeks as the two of you made your way across the dance floor.

You quickly realized that Bucky was as a great dancer up close as he looked from a distance. He not only knew the steps but he knew what it meant to lead, encouraging you to take risks and try new things. Any slip ups just resulted in hearing him laugh which made any embarrassment you had evaporate instantly.

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