The Five Times You Caught Bucky Blushing (Bucky x Reader)

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Summary - Bucky was never the type to let his emotions show but when it comes to you he just can't help himself.


The first time you saw it you almost missed it completely.

You had fallen awake just before dawn and decided to take advantage of the rare quiet of the city by grabbing your yoga mat and heading to the roof of the tower. You took a deep breath as you stepped out into the cool early morning air, thankful for a moment to yourself away from your responsibilities with the team. As you unzipped your hoodie you heard someone clear their throat from the far corner of the balcony, startling you into a defensive stance. You heard him chuckling before you saw him.

"Bucky," you practically sighed with relief, "you scared the crap outta me. What are you doing out here?"

"Same as you most likely. This is the only time of day when the city is quiet. I find it... calming." He gazed out over the skyline.

"Oh... I can leave if you want, I didn't mean to disturb you.." You bent to pick up your mat.

"Stay, doll," he insisted with a small smile, "no reason we can't share the space. Balcony's big enough for the both of us."

"Thanks," you said, returning his smile. Bucky turned back towards the view and you started with some basic stretches before going through your yoga routine.

You and Bucky spent the next hour in companionable silence as the city began to slowly wake up. You were finishing up and had just achieved what you hoped was a decent Upward Bow Pose when you heard movement from Bucky's direction. Glancing over you suddenly realized that you were going to need a hand getting back up and the only available hands were about to leave you.

 Glancing over you suddenly  realized that you were going to need a hand getting back up and the only  available hands were about to leave you

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"Hey Bucky?" You heard his footsteps pause. "Um.. can I get a hand? Getting out of this pose is gonna be trickier than I thought.." Your arms were already beginning to shake, a fact that Bucky could not have missed because you heard him take several quick steps toward you.

"What um.. Where should I...?" Bucky sounded uncharacteristically flustered, as if he wasn't sure where to put his hands.

"Just support my back and help me stand before my arms give out, yeah?" you said a bit breathlessly. He reached underneath you just in time to catch you and pull you into a standing position. His movements were quicker than you expected and you stumbled awkwardly into his arms. The quickness of his movements had given you a bit of a head rush and you gripped his shoulders to steady yourself.

"Thanks," you said as your head cleared, smiling up at him. He let go of you suddenly making excuses about having somewhere to be and rushed off. You stared after his retreating form, slightly confused, noting how pink the back of his neck seemed to be. Was he...blushing? Nah, it couldn't be... could it?

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