Falling for You (Bucky x Reader Modern AU)

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Summary: An unexpected injury gives you the perfect excuse to call on your hot neighbor to save the day.

Prompt: "I am the stupidest person alive."

(texting is in bold and bold/italics)


I am the stupidest person alive. Only me. Only I would trip going down stairs that I use every single day.

You slumped against the rail, wincing at the pain in your leg, more frustrated than anything. You were bleeding, your books were scattered randomly where they'd flown from your grasp, and you were desperately trying not to cry. All you had wanted to do was to get to the library for some much-needed study time away from the distractions of your apartment and instead your best intentions were crushed before you even left the building. You knew that you should probably just woman up and push through the pain but at that moment you wanted nothing more than for someone to come and rescue you. You knew what you wanted to do but you needed a little push to be brave enough to do it...

Hey Gen, hypothetically if I fell down my stairs and if there was I dunno some blood and stuff I should totally text my hot paramedic neighbor to come rescue me, right?


Lol... yes I'll live and okay you talked me into it. I'll keep you posted. ;)

You took a deep breath. It's now or never, time to call in the reinforcements...

Hey, are you home?

His reply was almost immediate. Yeah, I'm off today. What's up?

I may have fallen down the stairs. Just a little. Help?

The next thing you heard was the distant sound of a door slamming and your neighbor's feet thundering down the staircase.

"(Y/N)? (Y/N)!"

"I'm down here, Bucky!"

He rounded the landing in record time. "Oh my... are you okay?" You nodded your head, filing away the concerned look you managed to catch before Bucky went into work mode, assessing the situation.

"You're bleeding..." he carefully straightened your leg out, looking and feeling for signs of other injuries.

"Thanks Captain Obvious, oh hey, did I forget to mention that I fell down the stairs?"

That got a chuckle out of him. "Good to know you didn't injure your sense of humor." You knew you were going be just fine when you saw Bucky's face relax and his witty banter come out. Shame it didn't make your leg hurt any less. "Looks like the bleeding is slowing down, it's not as bad as it looks but I'll need to clean and dress it, okay?"

"Good thing I have a paramedic as a neighbor, huh?" You winced as you attempted to stand up.

"Whoa, hang on there, I've got you.."

The next thing you knew, Bucky had picked you up bridal style and was carrying you up the stairs, two at a time. You were speechless at how effortlessly he swept you off your feet, literally and figuratively. All too soon he'd maneuvered you into his apartment and carried you out onto your shared balcony. "I'll be right back, just gonna collect your books from downstairs and then grab my kit and we'll get you all taken care of." He smiled and then he was gone.

After sitting in a daze for a moment you quickly texted your friend...

GEN he legit just carried me up the stairs and he smells REALLY NICE and he's gonna be back any second to doctor me up (get ur mind out of the gutter woman) and he gave me the biggest smile WHAT DO I DO?!?

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