Stay (Bucky x Reader)

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You couldn't stop crying. And it didn't make sense. You couldn't really pinpoint why you felt the way you did, on a normal day you were a regular ray of sunshine, always with a kind word or encouragement for your teammates, quick to whip up someone's favorite cookie or make an impromptu Starbucks run. But today, today you were the one out of sorts. You were the one who needed someone, anyone, to just notice that you hadn't shown your face today. To notice that you hadn't posted anything on social media. Just to notice you. At all.

Your stomach was in knots. Daring to crack your eyes open you glanced at the clock to see that it was well into the afternoon and you remembered that you hadn't eaten anything since the night before. Not that you would want to. You felt hungry but also nauseous and couldn't think of a single thing tempting enough to get out of bed for. If Wanda were here she'd wonder why you hadn't taken anything to help with your cramps and the splitting headache you currently had. But she's not. A minor mission had pulled away about half the team and the other half were probably busy or something, too busy to worry over where you were or wonder why they hadn't seen or heard from you yet today.

Shifting in bed you realized you really ought to take an overdue trip to the bathroom and gingerly sat up, dragging yourself to the toilet and muttering curses under your breath along the way. You briefly considered showering but since you were convinced no one was gonna see you today anyway (and honestly you simply didn't have the energy) you waved the thought away, opting instead to crawl right back into bed. You groaned as you laid back down, burrowing into your nest of blankets and pillows, feeling fresh tears form as you fell deeper into your pit of physical and emotional pain.

Bucky had seen the team off that morning and gone out for a run followed by an extended workout. He had considered texting to see if you were up for joining him but figured with it being a Saturday that you were taking advantage of the alone time to sleep in. After a quick shower and lunch alone in the common room Bucky started to worry that he hadn't seen or heard from you all day. Maybe you had gone out? Clearing away his dishes he made his way towards your room, hesitating before knocking thinking if you were in there maybe you didn't want to be disturbed. That's when he heard it. You were... in pain? Concern overriding everything else Bucky burst into your room, eyes adjusting to the darkness, scanning the room in search of you.

"(Y/N)? Where are you? Are you okay?" He had an edge of panic in his voice that couldn't be missed. He was about to call out again when he saw a hand waving weakly from the center of the bed. He stepped quickly towards you, determined to assess any damage. What he found nearly broke his heart. You looked so small, such a contrast from the strong and bubbly person he saw every day. Buried in blankets up to your neck, even in the dim lighting Bucky could make out your anguished, tear-streaked face. He sat carefully on the edge of the bed, reaching for you but not sure where it was okay to touch you, finally settling on brushing a lock of hair behind your ear. His voice was quieter, gentler than before. "Hey doll... sorry to barge in but I heard you cry out and my instincts took over..." He gave you a small smile. "What's going on?"

You took a deep breath, trying to pull yourself together a bit, wiping leftover tears from your face. "It's nothing you can do anything about, Buck. It's just a girly thing... you know... I'll get over it in a couple days, I'm fine..." You risked a look in Bucky's direction and decided then and there that Bucky looking flustered and blushing was your favorite thing ever. He fidgeted for a moment, rubbing the back of his neck and opening and closing his mouth several times as if to say something. He took another look at your face and you could see him making up his mind.

"I may not be able to stop what's happening to you but I'll be damned if you think I can't do anything about it. I spent enough years taking care of Stevie to understand that." He looked you over carefully. "Lemme guess, you haven't eaten anything today?"

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