Come Back to Me (Bucky x Powered Reader)

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Summary: What if Bucky was interrupted in the middle of the Winter Soldier's trigger words? What would happen and would you be able to get the Bucky you know and love back?



The agent's broken Russian was abruptly cut off when a blast of energy from your hands hit the side of his head, rendering him unconscious. Or dead. Honestly at this moment you couldn't care which. Your whole being was completely focused on the man standing in front of you.

His wrists were held fast to the wall with some sort of magnetic cuffs, very much like the ones Hydra had tried to use on Steve. But something was off. He wasn't straining, wasn't fighting to get free. In fact, he was unnaturally still, calm almost. And that scared you more than anything else.

"Buck...?" You spoke softly, made no sudden movements. Even with the cuffs securely in place you knew that the Winter Soldier was still a deadly threat. But is that what Bucky was now? Even with your limited Russian you knew that the chain had been broken before all the words had been said, so what did that mean? Was he Bucky? The Soldier...? Or someone else?

"Bucky, can you hear me?" Stepping closer you could see that even though his body was still, his breathing was erratic and his eyes were darting all around the room. "Bucky... Buck, I need you to focus on me, okay?" You moved directly in front of him, holding your hands up in a non-threatening stance. After a few tense moments he locked gazes with you, terror and confusion pouring from his icy blue orbs.

"It's gonna be alright. Here, let me—" As you reached toward him he flinched, closing his eyes tightly and biting his lip so hard it bled.

"No.. no, no, no...," you whispered, blinking back tears, "god no Buck, I-I'm here to help. I'm a... friend." He cracked one eye open, then the other, looking at you more intently now. His brow furrowed slightly as he seemed to be studying your features and trying to place you.

"I... know you?" His voice was so small, not at all like the Bucky you knew.

"Yes, you know me Bucky. And I know you. We're friends, teammates." He still looked confused but you could sense the tension in him ebbing away. "I'm not gonna hurt you, I promise. I just need to get those cuffs off you, it's not safe and we need to get out of here."

His head whipped around, panic building again as he suddenly realized his situation. He yanked at his cuffs roughly, the movements becoming more and more frantic as he tried desperately to break free.

"Bucky! Buck, stop!" You shifted so he could see you again, crouching down close to where his right wrist was cuffed, "Look at me. Breathe, Buck, just breathe... I'm gonna to get you out of those but I need you to be still, okay?" His eyes flicked to meet yours, still wary, muscle and metal still straining against the unyielding cuffs.

"I wouldn't lie to you Bucky. I trust you with my life. Please, just trust me to do this for you." He took a shaky breath before nodding almost imperceptibly. He allowed his arms to fall slack, his breathing steadying again. "That's it Buck, just try to relax, this'll only take me a few seconds." Bucky watched with wide eyes as you focused your powers to create a rapid energy pulse that disrupted each of the cuffs. The now useless pieces fell with a clang to the concrete floor.

You stood, giving Bucky some space as he flexed his hands and rubbed his right wrist. "Are we good?" You wished for more time to put him at ease but you'd already spent too much time in one place. Any second your position could be compromised and you weren't sure how many of Hydra's agents you could handle without any assistance.

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