Chapter 17

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Both Levi and you stepped out of the shower. You grabbed the towel you had set out on the bench and wrapped it around you.

"Uh- Levi!" You snapped, seeing him naked and just casually walking across the other side of the room to the cabinet where the towels were.

"What?" He asked, opening it and pulling one out, bringing it to his hair and drying it, then down to his waist.

"What if someone had walked in?"

"(Y/n), I was just fucking you against those lockers, you didn't seem to care if someone would have walked in then, so why now?" He smirked at you running a hand through his damp hair.

"I-" You were so taken aback you just dropped the whole thing.

You yawned and stretched your arms out, not realizing how tired you were.

"You tired?" He asked, throwing on his pants.

"Mhm." You hummed, now getting dressed.

"Let's go to bed then... I can finally sleep now that you're here." You blushed as you threw the towel in the dirty bin.

You both walked up the steps from the basement to the mess hall and you froze seeing the four cadets cleaning, their eyes went wide when they saw you and you just gave them a shy smile.

They most definitely heard everything.

"I thought I told you guys you were free of cleaning duties." Levi said flatly, his eyes furrowing at them.

"Oh- uh... yeah sorry we just were so close to being done we- we just thought it would be best to just finish." One lied, and you felt a little grossed out.

"Okay, then finish up." Levi said, his hand now guiding you out by your waist. You looked around and saw that there was still so much for them to clean and they all huffed out in annoyance as they had to continue to clean.

Now outside you both started to rush to your room, but ever so often Levi would grip your waist and pull you against him, kissing at your neck and hair.

You laughed out as he lifted you over his shoulder and he stopped in his footsteps causing you to stop laughing. "Levi what's-"

You stopped talking as he placed you down and he turned you around.

Mikasa stood in front of you, looking... sad.

"Mikasa?" You walked a little closer to her. "Are you alright?"

"Can we talk for a bit?" Her voice was soft. You turned to Levi and he had an unamused look on his face, he wanted to be with you for the rest of the night, but you knew you couldn't leave Mikasa alone.

"Yeah, sure." You cleared your throat and turned back to Levi. "I'll meet you back in our room in a few, okay?" He groaned out in annoyance, his eyes locked on Mikasa and he moved forward kissing the side of your head before walking away from the both of you.

"Don't take too long." He said coldly, more of a warning to Mikasa to not hog you for the night.

"It's okay if you don't have the time."She said to you, and you shook your head.

"No, don't worry about him, he can go a few minutes without me. What's up?" You smiled at her, trying to lighten her mood.

"Can we talk somewhere a little more private?" And you nodded.

You both agreed to go up the wall and to sit and talk for a bit. You grabbed your gear and you found yourself sitting at the edge of the wall looking up at the moon with Mikasa.

"I told Eren how I felt." She said and your head snapped to look at her. And by her facial expression you could tell it did not go well.


"I don't think it registered." She said, sighing out. "I told him my feelings and I don't think he quite understood what I meant."

"And what makes you think that?"

She now sat up straight and you joined her, "I tried to kiss him and he just got up."

Ouch. Eren, what the fuck?

"But one time I overheard him talking with Jean about... about sex..." she trailed off.

Oh no... were you going to be the one to give the sex talk to her.

"But I don't know if I'm ready to do all of that..."

"Well I think you should definitely get your first kiss before you jump into anything more sexual." You tried to hold back your giggle, but a little escaped and she looked at you confused. "Don't get yourself involved in something you are not ready for."

"How long did you and Levi wait? Like after you admitted your feelings to each other."

"Well it took a month or two after we said that we loved each other." And her eyes widened. "Is that a surprise to you?" You laughed uncomfortably a bit.

"No- well yeah, I just assumed you guys slept together before your relationship got serious." She turned red, scared that she might have offended you.

"Hmm, interesting. Some people do that, but it really depends on the people involved. Ava for example, she wasn't really one to wait to fond the right person to sleep with someone, and there's nothing wrong with that. Actually you'll find most men think that way too." And you both snickered. "But growing up, I was told to never give myself to just anyone, but to be fair I was surrounded by overprotective men who told me to never lay with a man." She smiled at you. "But really, just go at your pace, and find someone who will respect the pace you want." She nodded and looked up at the sky.

"Does it- does it hurt?" she asked shyly.

"For a bit, but that's when your partner should step up, and do anything to make you comfortable. And like I said before, if you aren't ready... don't let yourself get pressured into that situation." You moved your head forward to get a better look at her and her eyes locked on yours. "Promise me?"

"I promise."

"Good. But seriously don't think about sex until you get your feelings across to Eren and take things at the appropriate pace you want." You now stood, feeling how tired you were growing.

"What if Eren doesn't like the pace I want to go at."

"Then he's not a real man, and you should find someone else." You winked at her and you were satisfied with the smile she gave as her response. "I'm really sorry hun, but I had a rather exhausting day, so I'm going to head to bed, was there anything else you wanted to talk about?"

"No," she now stood as well, "I'm good, I'll just try again some other time, maybe a better time to talk about my feelings with him." She walked over to you and wrapped herself around you, hugging you tight. "Thank you."

"You're welcome." You now took her in your embrace as well.

She turned away from you and jumped off the wall. You looked up at the sky, taking in a deep breath of fresh air, forever grateful for making it out alive today.

You then took off from the wall shooting your gear to a roof, landing on it, then you jumped down to land on the ground. You opened the door to the mess hall, going down to put your gear away. Once back up the stairs you noticed that most of it was cleaned up now. Those kids did a decent job.

As you walked back to your room, you couldn't help but smile to yourself, your cheeks flushing as you thought back to your first time with Levi.

A/N: HELLLO! I'm so sorry about this chapter being so boring but it was a way to help me set up the next chapter haha!!

But I hope you enjoyed, LOVE U ALL!!!


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