Chapter 13: 'i'm sorry Levi'

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Now following Erwin, both you and Ava turned to see a titan now on your tails, but the second you both turned back, Ymir now launched herself at you all, knocking Erwin clean off of his horse and you and Ava moved out of the way in time, sending she went flying into the titan chasing you.

"Commander Erwin!" You raced to him, hopping off your horse. He was sitting on the ground, holding his wound.

"Forget about me." He said looking down. "I can be replaced. Just go find Eren."

"Shut up." You said helping him to his feet. Ava reached her arm down and you helped her get Erwin up on her horse. "Get him somewhere safe." You ordered.

"Yes, captain."

"Wait!" Erwin said weakly.

"Don't worry commander, I'll make sure to get Eren back." You tapped the back of Ava's horse and it took off, away from the swarm of titans around you.

"Captain (Y/n)!" You turned to see Simon and Ekho.

You were relieved to see the rest of your squad somehow managed to escape alive. "Are you guys alright?" you asked them, while still looking around carefully making sure no titans would sneak up on you.

"Yeah, we're alright... This is a shitshow." Ekho said.

"Yeah I know." You agreed while seeing people after people getting picked up by titans. "Did you see Eren anywhere?"

"Captain (Y/n)!" You all turned to see Connie, with Christa on his back, and Sasha running towards you. "It's Eren!"

You took off following him, with Simon and Ekho covering you from behind. In the distance you could see Armin and Jean. Jean was out cold and Armin was trying his best to cover him from an approaching titan. "Ekho." You stated and without another word he shot for the tree they were under and sliced at the titans ankles, causing it to fall to its knees. He shot up to the titan and swung around, spinning to it's nape, cutting deep enough to kill it.

Now next to them, you reached your arm out for Armin as Simon and Sasha helped Jean up to ride with her.

"Where's Mikasa?" You asked Armin as he wrapped his arms around you.

"Last I saw her she was caught in a titans hand... but Jean saved her and I never saw her again." He sounded panicked. You looked down at Jean to see if he was conscious at all to give you a better idea at where she was. But nothing, Sasha could barely keep him upright.

She's not dead. She can't be. She's most likely wherever Eren is.

In the distance you could see a little further out, two bodies sitting on the floor, with a... titan, that looked like it was smiling, swatting at Hannes as he tried to kill it, but was struggling.

"Come on!" You said, now charging in that direction.

There were only a few possibilities at who the two were in front of the titan... and you were right, it was Eren and Mikasa.

Now determined to get to them, you completely disregarded everything around you.

"Captain watch out!" Before you could react, you were blocked as Ekho threw himself in front of you and was swatted away by a titan.

"Ekho!" Simon yelled, you looked back and saw Ekho shoot up in the air, he continued to fight the titan. Your eyes widened as three more titans were now closing in on him.

You had to go back for him.

"Armin." You felt his grip tighten around you. "Go to Eren, afterwards head straight into the forest and I'll meet you back in there, got it?"

"But what about you?" He asked, still not letting you go.

"Don't worry about me." You looked behind you and saw Ekho's horse following after you. You whistled for it so it would run closer to you and it sped up.

"Simon, watch over them understand?" You shifted your body and handed the horse's rein to Armin. He hesitated to grab it, but he finally managed to take it from you.

"I'm coming with you!" Simon objected to your first command.

"No!" He looked at you in shock. "Your job is to keep all of them safe, understand!" You said it as an order, so he wouldn't try to object again.

"Yes... captain." He said softly, but frustration in his tone.

You hopped off your horse and jumped on Ekho's that found its way next to you.

Now taking off in the other direction you rushed to where Ekho was now dodging every swing from the titans. One got a hold of him and you sped up seeing as he was being brought to its mouth. You stood atop the horse and shot a second after, your hook now in the titans cheek and before it had the time to chomp down on him you sliced through its mouth, causing its jaw to drop wide open. You shot to its wrist, cutting it's fingers to let go of Ekho. The other hand came to you, but you managed to get out of the way in time shooting at it's shoulder and making your way to it's nape, killing it swiftly.

You began to look around for Ekho, worried he didn't make it, but the sound of ODM gear settled your nerves seeing as he was moving up to go for one of the titans' napes.

Both now on the ground, you smiled at him wanting to hug him as tightly as you could but you were focused on one of the titans running towards you.

You readied yourself to hook yourself to it, but you felt a hand on your shoulder. "(Y/n)." You looked at Ekho, his face seemed... defeated.

"You shouldn't have come back for me." He said, looking behind you.

"What are you-" You grabbed a hold of him as you began to lose balance, the ground shaking violently. You looked over your shoulder as a herd of titans now ran fast towards you.


You took a deep breath in. "We can do th-"

You cut yourself off, seeing another group of them heading in your direction, but this time from behind Ekho.

There were too many.

You looked frantically for the horse you came on, but it was nowhere in sight... and even if you did whistle, by the time it got to you and both you and Ekho riding off on it... you wouldn't make it.

You looked at Ekho, his eyes were locked on you. "I'm sorry (Y/n)." He said, unable to look in your eyes.

Was this it?

"Don't apologize." You said taking one of his hands in yours. "We had a good run." You added and he scoffed. You both turned to face one of the hordes running towards you.

"They look so stupid when they run." He added, his hand still in yours and you giggled.

As they got closer, you closed your eyes and inhaled deeply.

'I'm sorry Levi.'

A/N: HELLLO!! OOOOP SORRY for the shorter chapter but this is a very stressful chapter as you may guess haha!

I hope you all enjoyed and I love you all!!


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