10: Sam Might Be Gay

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Dearest Readers,

Thank you all for your wonderful comments, I am so glad you are all enjoying it so far because so am I! More updates are to come, so get ready!

XOXO Ally Layne.

Persie decided that she never wanted to do research with Dean Winchester again. He was a complete nuisance and when he failed to find anything that he needed, he kept pestering her in the meantime.

She curled up in the corner, sitting on the floor of the library and reading through some very vague death records from the past three decades when Dean thumped his head on the table in front of him in frustration.

After a short debate of wondering if she should go check in on the older Winchester, she decided to remain in her hiding place.

The last thing she needed was to be bothered by him again, or, her personal favorite, have him make a paper plane and throw it right at her face.

The last one he made nearly poked her eye out, and that is when she decided she needed to evacuate the area and go into hiding.

Hence, the floor.

It was a long, long six hours and she was pretty sure she was going to murder Sam if he didn't deal with his brother. At least, when Sam showed up to pick them up from the library after following his own leads, they were ready to bolt out the door.

Sam was waiting for them at the entrance. "So?"

Dean and Persie didn't stop to speak to Sam, instead, they kept walking, making as much space between them and the library as possible. "We read every record they had," Dean announced. "Found the usual amount of child deaths for a town this size."

Sam hurried to catch up with them. Dean, who had long legs and long strides, as well as Persie, who was currently using her frustration as a motor to keep walking fast without tiring or letting up, were two people that were hard to catch up with if you didn't resort to the awkward half-jog.

"Okay," he urged.

"Wanna know how many were little girls with black hair and pale skin?"

Sam's eyebrows lifted. "Zero?"

"Zero!" Dean continued. "You wanna know how many little girls with black hair and pale skin have gone missing?"

Persie let out a long sigh.

Sam amused his brother, "Zero?"

"Right again! Zip. Zilch. Nada. Tell me you've got something good because I totally wasted the last six hours." Dean ran a hand through his hair, letting out another sigh in contempt for those stupid and useless records.

"Please tell us you have something, Sammy. Hotshot here has been driving me crazy, so if you don't do something he's probably going to die by drowning in the next hour or two," Persie whined up to the tallest Winchester brother. "Or, better yet, can we just leave him somewhere and deal with this ourselves?"

Dean scoffed. "Like you could figure it out without me."

Persie rolled her eyes. "Says the man who just spent six hours researching and didn't come up with anything useful."

Sam's chuckles kept Dean from lashing back at the younger woman, and the older man took to pacing instead. "Well, I actually do have something." The two hopeless researchers perked up. "Have you ever heard of Lillian Bailey?"

Persie shook her head, and Dean eyed his brother knowingly.

"She was a British medium from the 1930s," Sam explained.

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