16: Party Crashers

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Dearest Readers,

Thank you all for your support and for reading this story. I was quite unsure what to do with this chapter, but once I sat myself down, it seemed to write itself. I hope you enjoy it! 

Please go ahead and give me a follow/add this story, I would really appreciate it :)

XOXO Ally Layne


Annabeth had dragged Persie out of the home after the boys were properly briefed of Bela's plan for the event that evening. She had decided that they needed to do some more research, and Persie suspected her friend's brain was currently configuring an awesome plan that second.

They had taken the car that Annabeth drove there, and stopped at the hotel that she had booked. Persie rolled her eyes as Annabeth grabbed her bags and made her way to her room. "You know you didn't need to get a hotel, right?"

The blonde rolled her stormy eyes. "And not have any space for myself? Do you know me?"

"It's not like we've never had to share close quarters before," Persie said, as Annabeth swiped the key, unlocking the door. "And it would save you some money."

Annabeth laughed. "Persie, if you looked at the bank account you were given from the gods, you wouldn't be talking about money."

She pursed her lips, choosing to ignore those words. The last thing she wanted at the end of the Giant War was to spend the award money she had been given from the gods. She didn't need anything from them, and that's how it was going to stay.

Her eyes followed Annabeth as she started unpacking her bag, plugging in her laptop, and grabbing her phone. Neither of them was the same after the war, and when it was the two of them, they didn't have to pretend.

No one else would get it- the nightmares, the sudden pains and aches that still wore on their bodies from their time in the pit. It was one thing to go through hell, but another to fall into Tartarus.

Persie laid back on one of the queen beds that inhabited the room. There were two beds, nicely kept, and a long couch that was right below the large windows that faced out to the Atlantic. Annabeth, noticing Persie's eyes staring longingly at the ocean, opened the windows to let the breeze in.

"Thanks, Wise Girl."

The blonde smirked. "Don't be thanking me yet, Seaweed Brain. You have yet to hear my plan."

She raised a brow. "You mean we aren't going to be loitering on the outskirts of the museum like what they obviously think we will?"

Annabeth's answering smile seemed to echo Persie's thoughts. "No, I don't think we'll let Peter and anyone who else has seen the ghost ship be murdered because Bela just wants to see those two in tuxes."

Persie shrugged, looking up at the ceiling. "I don't know, I think they'd be nice to look at."

"So, what is exactly going on between you and Dean Winchester?"

She blinked, looking over at her friend who was staring down at her with crossed arms. "Why would you ask that?"

Annabeth snorted. "I'm not blind, you dingbat. Of course, I can see the way the two of you gaze longingly into each other's eyes."

"We do not."

"You wanna bet?"

Persie let out a huff of breath. "Fine, so I happen to think the guy's good-looking. It's not my fault he looks like one of those stone carvings-"

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