2: Meeting the Winchesters

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Hey there, Readers!

Thank you all so much for the support you have already shown for this story! I am so excited to work on this one, as you all should know by now this includes two of my favorite fandoms of all time, so why wouldn't I? If you want to stay updated feel free to follow me, as I also have a few other stories a lot like this that you might like, too!

XOXO Ally Layne


It took the boys two days to make it back to Bobby's house. Sam had been researching for a new hunt while Dean drove, only stopping when necessary to make sure they got back in time for the guy they owed too much to.

The sleek, black 1967 Chevy Impala pulled in the dirt drive, blowing dust behind its wheels as it slowed to a stop.

"His car isn't even here," Sam muttered, looking at the small junkyard that lay around his house. "Why would he make us come here if he didn't care enough to stick around a bit?"

Dean shrugged, turning the engine off as he let out a harsh sigh. "Well, it looks like we might be stuck waiting for him."

Sam laid his head back into the seat. "This sucks."

His older brother chuckled. "No shit, Sammy."

Sam groaned. "Stop calling me Sammy, you jerk."

Dean paused, waiting for a moment. "Bitch."

The elder Winchester laughed as he got out of the car, narrowly avoiding being smacked by his younger brother's flying hand. He popped his head back in the car with a cheeky grin. "Gotta be quicker there, Sammy."

Sam scrambled out of the car and leaned up against the side while watching Dean stride up to the door and look around for a key Bobby might've left behind. "I think Bobby's a little smarter than leaving keys laying around, Dean."

Dean tilted his head. "Maybe he's smart enough to leave one laying around, Sam."

The younger man sighed, walking forward as he watched his brother's continued search.

After not finding any key around, Dean placed his hand on the knob with a grin. "At least we know he wouldn't-"

The doorknob twisted open.

Sam and Dean looked at each other, all traces of joking set aside. Dean pulled out a handgun from the waistband of his jeans, and Sam followed suit.

Dean pursed his lips. "You thinkin' what I'm thinking?"

"Someone broke in?"

He nodded. "Or something bad happened. Let's just hope Bobby's not here."






Persie was having a rough afternoon. This morning, she had been making Uncle B some breakfast but he ended up not having the ingredients he claimed to. So, after working diligently to make some restaurant-worthy meal, she had to scrap it and whip up some scrambled eggs.

She was slightly concerned as to what he ate when she wasn't around, so she just decided to be glad that she was here now and could help him out.

All she could find was eggs, some old shredded cheese, and some booze. Of course, there were some things in the freezer, like some burgers, ground beef, and some frozen pizzas- but nothing of sustenance.

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