21: Becoming The Monster

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Dearest Readers,

HELLO! Here is the next installment in this story, where we really do start to uncover what made Persie run away from her life at Camp and with her friends. I hope it makes a little sense, but not all the details are coming yet.

That'll be for you to see later ;)

As always, let me know what you think!

XOXO Ally Layne.


Sam was pacing.

He knew he shouldn't have ran out of there without Dean and Persie. Neither of them had turned up back at the motel and it has been hours.

He only prayed that Dean showed up after Persie did. He didn't want to see the fallout of what would happen if Dean knew Persie was MIA, too.

Sam was holding his phone in his hand, his finger hovering over a name that had just recently been put into his phone, even though he knew that demigods weren't supposed to have phones.

But Persie and Annabeth did.

Persie, he knew, it was because she wanted to stay in contact with her mother.

But Annabeth, it was because she wanted to stay in contact with everyone. The woman was smart, he knew, but she somehow figured out how to delay the signal that would relay to monsters where she was, just in case anything happened.

His finger pressed her name.

Sam figured it was worth a shot.

And ring after ring, he was finally greeted with her voice.

"Hey, it's Annabeth-"

"Annabeth, it's Sam, there's-"

"You know what to do." Her voice was followed by a long beep.

He hung up the phone. This wasn't something you'd tell someone over a voicemail, was it?

Uh, hey, Annabeth, it's Sam, you remember me? Sam Winchester? I'm on a hunt with Persie, and, well... she's missing.

Yeah, that's definitely not something to break to someone over a voicemail.

The door burst open.

It wasn't Persie who walked in.


"There you are!" Sam shouted, immediately rounding on his brother. He was sure that there was worry evident on his face, but apparently Dean decided to ignore that little part.

"Yeah," He acknowledged. "Sorry, I stopped for a slice." Dean patted his belly before grinning at his brother.

Sam rolled his eyes at his brother, following Dean as he placed his coat down on the counter. "Nice move you pulled back there, Dean, running right at the weapons?"

Dean shrugged, turning around to face his brother. "Well, what can I say? I'm a badass?"

His green eyes searched the motel room, and Sam immediately knew who he was looking for. "Where's Seph?"

Sam gulped. "She, uh, she hasn't turned up yet, either."

Dean blinked. "What?"

He sighed, rubbing a hand on his forehead. "Yeah, I know, Dean. It's bad."

Dean shook his head. "No-no, she's going to be okay, she's a demigod. She can hold her own."

Sam nodded, though his face was grave. "Gordon's out there too."

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