Chapter 2

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After showering, I laid in bed for an hour, all these thoughts came crashing out of nowhere. I got up and tiptoed to the kitchen, pulling out the tea bag and boiling the water. After pouring the water into the cup, I put the teabag in.

“What are you doing up?”

I let out a loud scream. Turning around looking at Austin with a bug-eyed look. 

“Why would you creep up on me like that?”

“I’m sorry, I heard you come downstairs.”

Santuring past me and walking to the fridge. He smelt heady and musk, it reminded me of the rain and the woods. I turn around and look at Austin.

He is wearing a pair of sweats, that is dangerously low on his waist. I can almost trace my hands down his chest.

“Staring isn’t nice you know.”

“I wasn’t staring”.

I wonder why he hasn’t got married. He has olive skin and a chiseled face. He literally looks like he just stepped off the runway.

 “I haven’t gotten married because I haven’t found the right one yet.”

Looking at him with a peering look on my face. I didn’t mean to say that out loud.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean for you to hear that.”

“Goodnight, Ava”.

“Goodnight, Austin.”

Waking up, with my bonnet not on my head has always been a struggle. It’s like I fight in my sleep. After getting down with my hygiene and hair, I put on a pleated mini skirt, a white tee, and a pair of black converses. 

“I’m going to the office, I will be back around 10 pm.”

He went on and explained to me that food was in the fridge and if I needed anything just call.

For the rest of the day, I lounged around the house and watched tv. I even unpacked the rest of my clothes.

Looking up, I locked eyes with Austin. Staring at him with wide eyes, shocked at how he looked. He was disheveled and dead like in the eyes. He was drunk.

“I had a hard day at work, people keep stealing the supply.”

“How was your day?”

“It was boring, I lounged around all day.”

He stumbled past me walking toward the stairs. I turned around and helped him up the stairs. He had fallen asleep on my shoulder. Carrying him to his room, I laid him on the bed. I took off his clothes leaving him with his underwear on. 

I put Advil and a bottle of water on his nightstand. 

As I am about to leave, Austin pulled me into his hard chest, kissing me. The kiss sent chills up and down the spine, creating a sense of heat in my lower region. 

Pulling away, I notice he had fallen asleep again. He won’t remember this kiss. I slowly caress his beard looking at him while he is peacefully asleep. 

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