Chapter 13

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Austin had woken up, yet he still had to rest and take it easy for a week or two. He is currently living with us while he gets better.

Dad and I have been making sure he takes his meds, as he is a very stubborn mule.

Right now, I am taking him his medicine and breakfast. I have been making the breakfast for the past couple of days, as the maids are on break.

Walking into his room, and seeing him laid up in bed working on the computer, I laid the breakfast on the nightstand. Taking the laptop from him and pushing it aside, I sat down on the bed.

"Baby, you shouldn't be working, the doctor said rest. I even made you breakfast so you could take your meds. "

"I Know sweetheart, but I'm bored, I have been stuck in this bed for the past 4 days, let me do something, please."

"OK, as long as you continue taking your meds and eating when you should. I also don't want you to overexert yourself trying to work, so when you need a break take it and I mean it", I said with a serious look.

Austin pulled me onto his lap, straddling him. He pulled me into him, kissing my lips and my neck.

"I Love you, not just for caring for me, but all the other times you have shown that you will do anything for me, even saving my life".

"Baby, you have been protecting my life also, so I think we are even, and I love you too".

"I Heard you while I was in the coma, talking about marriage, kids, and our future. I'm going to give you everything you talked about, even if your father shoots me, I will continue to love you."


While in my office looking over papers over the weapon deals, my father walked in with my mother.

"Mom, what are you doing here," I said excitedly since I hadn't seen her in about a couple of months. My dad smiled at me while closing the door.

My mother is a 5'10 brown woman, with long curly hair, but she always wore a veil over her head.

She has always been supportive of me following in her footsteps, guiding and helping me toward my goal of becoming a nurse practitioner, as well as helping my father with the mafia.

Don't let my mother fool you, she may save lives, but she is as dangerous as my father. She was raised to be a strong independent woman taking no man's bullshit.

"Your father flew me in to see my baby. How are you?' You've been through a lot."

"I'm doing great, Austin came out of his coma, so Dad and I have been helping him a little bit and he is almost on his feet. He's been doing work on the computer, so the workload is less."

She pulled me into a hug and I just broke.

"Mama, I saved his life, but that fear is embedded in me, that I'll lose him. I can't lose him, I love him too much, I just got to have him as mine, and I won't let him go.

"Sweetheart, I know that you love him and he most definitely loves you. I can see how he looks at you. That fear that you have will always be there, especially when the men we love have dangerous jobs like these. However, that is the price we pay, because we love them and they love us and will always protect us from harm's way."

Looking at my mother, I pulled away and kissed her cheek, telling her I love her.

Having a breakdown makes a person sleepy.

Walking into Austin's room, I took off my clothes and lay in his arms, with my arm around his stomach.

"I want to tell my dad about our relationship, when you get well, in case something happens."

"Baby, If something happens, I will continue to see and love you, no matter what your father does or says. "

"You are my life, my angel, I will hurt any man that destroys that smile on your face, even kill him. So nothing is going to stop me from loving you, even your father." 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30 ⏰

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