Chapter 7

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"May God have mercy upon my enemies because I won't"

-George S. Patton

[Violence and death will be present in this chapter. You have been warned.]

I woke up in an unfamiliar room. The room had pictures of me all over the wall and mirrors. 

I ran to the door, pulling it open in a hurry to escape this nightmare of a room.

Running out of the room, I saw a bodyguard facing away from me. I snuck up on him and wrapped my arms around his throat, knocking him out.

Taking his gun with the silencer attached, I walk quietly down the long hallway, careful of my surroundings. 

I raised my gun in front of me, walking down the stairs, this huge tattooed man came running toward me.

 Without remorse, I shot him in the chest and walked silently past his body.

I heard voices coming from the end of the hallway, I slowly crept to the door. There was Enzo talking to my ex-best friend on speaker. 

They were talking about getting ransom for me and then killing me after.

 I went through the door and raised my gun to his head.

"Turn around." 

"It won't be easy getting out of the compound. The guards will kill you."

"They will be dead before they can lay a hand on me."

I hit him in the head with the gun, knocking him unconscious. Lifting him over my shoulder. 

I'm so glad I never missed a leg day. 

There was a layout of the house on the wall. I grabbed the keys from the desk and made my way to the garage. I crept down the hall with my gun raised.

This was a perfect escape plan. No one would question his car. I unlocked the black Range Rover with tinted windows.  

I tied Enzo up and put him in the trunk. 

 I got in the car and headed out of the garage. Driving out of the yard and down the street, I checked the glove department. 

 I grabbed the gun and the burner phone out. I dialed my father's phone.

"I escaped and I have Enzo tied up in the trunk."

"You have been missing for 3 days, I'm so sorry we couldn't find you sooner. They covered their tracks really well. However, I know you could take care of yourself."

"His plan wasn't foolproof. It was unplanned and hasty. He didn't expect me to defend myself."

I ended the call and headed home. 

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